Jesus the ‘Nuge is Good

I’m starting to re-think Ted Nugent. Used to be he struck me as more of a 2nd Amendment bomb-thrower and rabble rouser. Somebody who wasn’t afraid to say the “Politically Incorrect” things that others didn’t want to say. All well and good if you’re more-or-less in-line with Uncle Ted, a little scary if you’re somebody like 18-year-old Weer’d Clean-Shaven (grew my first beard at 19, about 8 months after I shot my first gun) who thought “Assault Weapons” were unnecessary and scary, and CCW holders were paranoid.

Still recently he’s been dropping some interviews where he’s just as loud and wild-eyed as ever…but he’s like a tiger stalking his prey. Loud, fast, and impossible to defeat.

Its the point that Ted makes here is why I’m a gun owner, and pro-second Amendment. I was against guns because I thought like Mr. Morgan. Guns kill people, so get rid of guns, and less people die! I switched sides when I heard and understood Ted’s point. Bad people will ALWAYS get guns (they get drugs don’t they? I have a permit to own and carry a pistol, you think I can get a permit to snort cocaine, or drop Acid?) and violent crime and death has NOTHING to do with the number of guns in an environment, but the ratio of good-guys to bad guys who have guns. Chicago, New York City, Boston? Lots of guns, and most of them are in the hands of Criminals. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Montana, Wyoming, Florida, Texas…etc. LOTS of guns, possibly MORE guns than the other places per-capita, but the good guys, the law abiding citizens, have the Majority.

…And the bad guys FEAR them, and find someplace ELSE to do bad thing…or they chose crime that has the least chance of MEETING good guys face-to-face.

You simply can’t argue with that.

h/t Maddmedic

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0 Responses to Jesus the ‘Nuge is Good

  1. Tango says:

    I love watching all 2A videos of Uncle Ted. I thoroughly believe the man’s a genius. He just puts his genius towards guns and music.

  2. ZerCool says:

    The Nuge is completely over the top, unapologetic, brilliant, well-spoken – and I love him for it.

  3. Greg Camp says:

    I used to be against guns until a few things were pointed out to me. There are far more guns in this country than were ever in the gun grabber paradises of Europe. Additionally, if we can ignore the individual right named in the Second Amendment, we can ignore the individual rights named in all the others. We can argue statistics all day long, but those two points won’t go away.

  4. AZRon says:

    Ted Nugent for Secretary of State.

  5. maddmedic says:

    I have The Nuge on vinyl.
    I have listened to him since…ahem…the 70’s.
    He hunts…
    I hunt..
    He likes guns.
    As do I.
    Heh…thanks for the linkage…

  6. bluesun says:

    Finally got around to watching this video, and I just have to get this off my chest: Pierce Morgan is the smelliest sack of shit I’ve ever seen. Really. I’m trying to come up with a worse one. Nugent deserves major props for even walking on to his show without slugging him in the nose.

  7. RobSmalls says:

    Nugent is extremely good on 2A issues, and does fair as an anti-establishment advocate. But he’s 115% in favor of a harsher drug war (deal penalties for low-level dealers), and way too pro-law and order (give the cops everything they want, Constitution be damned) for my tastes. If he could back up our other civil rights as intelligently, vocally and passionately as he talks about guns, I’d be all in for him.

    • RobSmalls says:

      That should read “death penalties for low-level dealers”. I suck.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well the Nuge’s experience with drugs is about on par with Joan Peterson’s with semi-automatic firearms.

      Ted’s well aware that we don’t have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem, and so much crime in America is drug and gang related, which is 100% because of the prohibition of drugs. I get that Ted doesn’t partake, but I wonder how he feels about the prohibition of alcohol given our 20/20 hindsight…

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