Large Soda

Oat Flavored!

If Bloomberg wants it he can come and take it himself!

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0 Responses to Large Soda

  1. George says:

    Pretty sure that spork is a weapon in NYC as well… 🙂

  2. Anyone who knows anything about basic chemistry knows that stuff is “low gravity” (lower specific gravity than just your average Bud Lite).

    Anyway, are you saying that normally you would call it “barley pop” except that swill has so much adjuncts in it that…

    I’d love to see you open it up with the spork! 😉

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL, that’s a CRKT Eat N Tool which DOES have a very nice bottle opener on it, but that does jack on a twist top.

      Man been ages since I took basic chemistry, but I believe Ethanol has a higher molecular weight, as well as a higher density than water (which would explain when nursing a mixed drink on a warm day that last swig is damn near all booze), but that’s a bit out of my element.

      As for the term, I cribbed it from “The Big Lebowski” where The Dude asks for “A Couple of Oat Sodas” and is handed some crappy domestic brew at the bowling alley bar.

      • For brewing, recipes usually start at slightly less than the specific gravity of water, like 1.05, and then get closer to water as they ferment (ending at like 1.01 or so). Because carbohydrates, the overall density is still lower than water in most non-distilled drinks.

        I was thinking you could stab the tips of the spork into the top of the screwtop cap and open things that way 😉

      • Publius says:

        I was trying to resist, but I have to comment on this one…I am a chemist, after all, & this has been bugging me all weekend:

        EtOH has quite a bit higher MW than water does, but it’s less dense (0.789 g/mL vs 1 g/mL).

  3. bluesun says:

    I just pored myself a nice, homemade, glass of ginger beer. Admittedly, I put less sugar in it than real soda, but the fact remains… soon to be underground soda water speakeasies in NYC…

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    So what’s gonna happen when a Commuter from Jersey comes off the Subway with a Big Gulp in his hand? Is Bloomburg gonna send in a TSAA SWAT Team? (that’s the Total Soda Annihilation Agency, btw).

    • What will happen is that NYC police will do what is called a “Stop and Brix“. If it ends up being a diet soda, you’ll be OK.

      Sure, it’s a blatant violation of the 4th amendment, but they’ll only do it to fat people, so it’ll be OK

  5. Greg Camp says:

    Gun rights advocates have been putting out the word on Bloomingidiot for years, but people don’t listen. It should have been obvious that anyone who begs for a special third term because, well, he knows what’s best for us doesn’t deserve to be in office. New York City managed an election even in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, no? No one should be surprised that when a control freak gets into office, this is what he does.

    To those residents of New York who did see this coming, I am sorry for you. Resistance ain’t futile.

  6. Rob Crawford says:


    I got 15 gallons of homebrew sitting in my basement right now.

    OK, none of it’s drinkable yet, but the first 5 gallons goes into bottles this weekend. By the 4th of July weekend it’ll all be ready.

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