Leftists and Taxes

This a repeat story every tax season here in Massachusetts, but I don’t know if I’ve covered it before.

You know how it works here in Massachusetts. If you want to put your money where your liberal mouth is, all you have to do is check Box 22 on the state income tax form and then you can pay at the old, higher 5.85 percent rate….According to the DOR, as of yesterday 2.78 million Massachusetts residents had filed 2011 tax returns, and exactly 773 opted to pay at the higher rate. Altogether the 773 paid an extra $60,181, which means their average income was approximately $15,000.

Another radio personality made a great analogy: Democrats treat taxes like teenage boys treat sex. They will do ANYTHING to do it, and its most of what they think about.

This Box 22 issue says a universal truth: Nobody wants to give more than they have to, especially when it comes to taxes that are mandated from the barrel of a gun. Still its one thing to try and shirk the tax system and keep as much of your money to spend as you see fit, bet that personal gain, saving, or charities.

The irony comes to those who want us all to pay more taxes, but won’t lead by example, even when when its made as painfully easy as checking a single box here in Massachusetts. Further it seems that all those leftist supporters of the “Buffet Rule” where they want “The Rich” to pay more in taxes, it seems the only people who pay more are the lower middle class, as a $15,000 annual income is NOT a lot of money, when you factor in that some of these people HAD to have filed jointly with a spouse, and the high class of living, “Poor” isn’t an outlandish moniker.

Meanwhile all these wealthy leftists don’t pay, further we have stories like John Kerry cheating tax laws for his expensive imported yacht (he claims to have paid when he was caught, but I don’t know if I buy his story). Buffet himself is fighting a massive back-tax bill, you wonder if he’d pay more taxes than his secretary if he paid his bill in full like us “Regular People”.

Of course we all know the stories of leftist tax-cheats, many in the Obama Cabinet, many more in the Federal Legislature.

I think this all falls in line with Obama’s Cigarette ban, Barry is a smoker. That’s fine, he’s a big boy, and he has a tough job. Let him smoke, let him drink. Hell let him fire up a joint. Only he banned cigarettes here in America….not the brands he smokes, of course.

I think we can all read the writing on the wall, the wealthy Limousine Liberals want US to pay higher taxes…they’ll continue to exploit tax shelters, or outright cheat and steal.

Classy, huh?

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0 Responses to Leftists and Taxes

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Just saw a news piece that said if the Gooberment does NOTHING, when all the Tax Cuts expire, the average American Household will be paying $3,800 EXTRA.

    Now lets look ahead. It’s the Day after the Election. The New Congress doesn’t come into play until AFTER the Tax Cuts go away. If we still have the Same Line up in Congress in January (i.e., Republitards controlling the House, DemaCommies and NEW ENGLAND RINOS controlling the Senate), then I predict most of the Cuts will go away. After all, if the Economy is Good, then how can the Marxists hold onto power? They NEED a Shitty Economy to do their Job. If it’s a Republican Sweep of both Houses (fat chance!), it’ll just be a Retro Active piece of Paperwork.

    Unless Obama is still President. And if there’s not enough Votes to Override a Veto, then it’s a Taxageddon.

    If it’s Romney with the House/Senate split, then it’s Taxageddon.

    If it’s Romney with Both Houses, then it’s just paperwork.

    If it’s Obama with BOTH Houses, it’s Taxageddon PLUS!

    Make up a Venn Diagram of the Possible Scenarios, (and don’t count on any “Blue Dog Democrats jumping Ship), and it just doesn’t look good.

    I’d stock up on Food now, because we may not be able to afford it next February!

  2. Jack says:

    And if you point out that they could pay more in taxes they scream about “volunteerism” and how “we can’t run a government on bake sales”.

    It’s like a shop-keeper who doesn’t want people to sell Liquor on his holy day (Sunday/Saturday/Thor’sday whatever), but will personally only stop selling on said say if it’s made illegal. You see to voluntarily stop would put him at a competitive disadvantage.

    It’s funny, the people that decry their opponents as compassionless Social Darwinists are the most against putting their money where there mouths are, unless the State forces them to. Another example of projection mayhap?

    No wonder they think charity and compassion can be mandated at gunpoint.

    And of course, we see the same thinking among the Anti’s. Which just shows that being anti-gun is just a part of a holistic (perhaps even totalitarian) philosophy that is anti liberty, anti equality, and aristocratic.

    You ask if it’s classy Weerd. Class, in the European sense, is *exactly* what they Leftists are after.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Just the other day a person was ranting about how they went to the store for some last-minuet Easter supplies, and they were upset that the stores were open (I don’t know about the rest of the country, but in Maine and Massachusetts we only recently repealed Blue Laws that made it illegal for retail stores to be open on Sunday…in Mass it was VERY recently that you could buy alcohol at a retail store on that day), but she wasn’t so upset to NOT shop.

      Of course these are the same people who get all bent that stores with religious roots, like Chick-fil-A voluntarily close on Sunday no matter what the laws say, or people who chose to print Biblical verses on their corporate materiel.

      They think Christians are icky…but not enough to forgo a chicken biscuit!

      • Pyrotek85 says:

        Yeah, there are people around here who don’t like that stores or restaurants are open on Sunday, but what do they want to do after getting out of church? Why, go eat out somewhere of course. They want it both ways.

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