Looks Like They Have a Solid MO

The Park Police Raided Occupy DC. Just like how Boston did it they gave notice and ran the raid as a total surprise.

This keeps the violent racist protesters from fortifying their numbers with people willing to commit crimes for the cause. Good job!

Dozens of U.S. Park Police descended on horseback and foot upon the Occupy D.C. camp in McPherson Square before dawn on Saturday to continue an enforcement of its no- camping rules launched earlier this week.

At least three protestors who refused to leave the area around the statue of Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson were arrested.

U.S. Park Police Capt. Phil Beck told protesters they would be clearing the area around the historic statue, where protesters had erected a blue tarp dubbed the “Tent of Dreams,” and checking to see if there was unauthorized bedding in tents.

Sections of the park also will be closed for “nuisance abatement,” a police spokesman said.

Under the rules, protesters are allowed to conduct a 24 -hour vigil in the federal park but not camp out overnight.

Keep them on the run! If you want to play, play by the rules!

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0 Responses to Looks Like They Have a Solid MO

  1. JD Rush says:

    What? No chainsaw? Guess the FBI didn’t have help.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Yeah, but the Treehugger-in-Chief Ken Salazar (Secretary of the Interior, which runs the Park Service) only sent in the Police because the House wanted to know why the Occupiers weren’t pushed off months ago, and showed to the World that they were/are ‘Aiding and Abetting” the Occupy Movement. But some Liberal Judge said they can stay there, they just can’t “Camp.” And we know that Salazar is a Liberal Tree Hugger from his days in Colorado Politics. And can you say “Solyandra?”

    So expect a lot of these Hippies to continue to annoy the rest of the DC Citizenry with their “Long Live the Revolution!” Marxist Crap.

  3. Orsonroy says:

    Gee….did they bring tanks and torches like they did to break up the bonus marches too?

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