Loughner Gets Life in Prison

Its a shame we’re going to have to keep feeding him for the rest of his days.

He’s a broken person whom will never be safe to be around, and now he will spend the rest of his life in a cage. Even besides the logical justice that would come from putting this beast down, I don’t find it very humane to let another human rot in a cage until they die from age.

I’m still thankful this beast won’t get a show trial, and my heart goes out to the victims.

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0 Responses to Loughner Gets Life in Prison

  1. Jack says:

    Glad the mutant won’t get his show trial.

    And at least in Colorado life in prison has a chance of meaning that.

    Yeah, not to get into the whole capital punishment thing, but life in prison still has someone die at the hands of the state after spending years in a box.

    Granted it takes a longer time, so in the case of wrongful conviction there is a hither odds of overturning and release, but that a weak tea argument of “superior morals”.

    Hell, you could have a civilization that views incarceration as more immoral than capital or corporal punishment.

  2. Old NFO says:

    And he’ll get full medical, dental, etc… I’d say give him to ‘us’ for 10 minutes and then hose the remains down the drain…

  3. eriko says:

    My understanding is that it is much cheaper to keep the Jackass in jail for life than to pay for both sides of the appeal process again and again for 15 year till you actually can kill him.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well I don’t support or understand the current execution process. I support appeal, but I never understood why a criminal is always executed after many have forgotten about the crime.

      • Rob Crawford says:

        Once the public forgets what the crime was, the anti-death penalty people can down play what the thug did. They can “impeach” witnesses who recalled well-enough 20 years ago, but not necessarily now. They can proclaim that the thug was “punished enough, already” and ask “how can anyone claim he’s a threat, after all this time”.

        (Then, of course, the thug kills again and they’re shocked, SHOCKED that people with life-long histories of crime and violence are, well, criminal and violent.)

        • Jack says:

          The “punished enough already” also shows that that particular brand of person is not just anti-death penalty but also anti-life in prison.

          And those that think someone who is 40 or 60 or 80 is no threat has no idea what humans are capable of.

          Again, matches and a can of gas, a car, or some pills, just to name a few ways to cause mayhem that’s less physically demanding than even a firearm.

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