More Anti-Rights Non-Logic

Jason Kilgore of Cesefire Oregon has another meaningless guest post.

Hello, my name is Joseph B. Jaskolka, and I am a gun-violence survivor….As the clock struck midnight, and as normal people do in our “civilized” nation, my parents rang in the New Year by banging on pots and pans. I had no idea that people would be firing their guns into the midnight sky, but that is the often painful re-occurrence that people partake in doing….I got maybe a half-block away from my Grandmother’s home before a “Celebratory bullet” pierced my skull. Better yet, when my cousin Jeff ran back in the house to report to an adult to call 911, “Joe’s just lying on the ground, everyone must have thought I was joking”

First up, I’m saddened that this happened, Disgusted by those who fired in the air, and I’m happy that Mr. Jaskolka is doing OK now. Still he is not a “Violence Survivor”. Webster’s defines violence as: “exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse”. This wasn’t a violent act any more than the car accidents I’ve been in were violent. This was a careless act that resulted in personal injury.

Further I’m curious what the Joyce shills expect to push with this. Police attempted to find and charge the shooters, but because of the range and the random nature they didn’t find them. Still firing a gun in the air IS A CRIME! It also doesn’t matter if it hits anybody or not, tho injury charges can trump things up.

Mr. Jaskolka is being used to push an agenda that has nothing to do with him or his story. This is a classic example of anti-rights blood-dancing.

The fact that they have no issue with it show exactly what is wrong with them as people!

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0 Responses to More Anti-Rights Non-Logic

  1. Thirdpower says:

    Victimization defines this person’s life. Another comment by him is that there is discrimination against handicapped people because he was turned away from voting after showing up several days late.

  2. Knitebane says:

    I smell a rat. Mythbusters tested the “bullet straight up in the air” thing and as it turns out the terminal velocity of a bullet coming back down is about 100mpg, considerably slower than it would take to pierce a skull.

    While everyone has a story of “There I was mindin my own bidness and then a bullet fell from the sky!!!!!11111eleventy” there is surprisingly little actual evidence to support such claims.

    Far more likely is either stray gunfire from a drive-by or an actual assault with a firearm that is not reported due to the criminal activity of the victim.

    • Joe in PNG says:

      What happens when a gun is fired straight up is that the bullet goes up in the air, stops, and falls down at a relatively slow terminal velocity.
      BUT if the gun is fired so that the bullet does not go straight up and stop, it keeps part of it’s velocity, and thus can be lethal.
      Thus the indirect fire sight on the old Vickers gun.

  3. MAJ Mike says:

    Hmmm. In NYC, its illegal to even possess a firearm much less launch bullets into the air. Glad to see Nanny Bloomie’s anti-gun program is working so well.

  4. MAJ Mike says:

    It just occurred to me that the “victim” may have been hit by a round fired by a member of the NYPD. Their marksmanship skills are legend.

  5. TS says:

    For him, this is reason why we shouldn’t own guns- as opposed to a reason to not fire them straight into the air in lieu of fireworks.

  6. GomeznSA says:

    Well lets analyse this: a bullet fired ‘straight up into the air’ would theoretically come straight back down on the shooter……….
    The main point here is that once again the antis are blaming the inanimate objects (the gun and the bullet) for the stupidity of the user of those inanimate objects – classic case of deflection. They NEVER put the blame where it belongs……………………

  7. Braden Lynch says:

    Exactly right GomeznSA!

    Ascribe blame to those specific people acting with an evil intent. No one else, and no object, shares any culpability. But guns are different! No, they’re not. They are used for innocent or good purposes the vast majority of the time. They’re not the problem.

    So, if I was a smoker and I was careless and burned down an apartment complex with you in it, would it be the fault of the cigarette? Would it be even more of a problem if I had misused an “assault” cigar? Oh please!

    Then there is the old standby argument, do you criticize the type of car the drunk driver was in when he killed your family? Of course not!

    How about the fact that I can use hundreds of household items to commit violence. Are we going to outlaw all of these items? [Wait for the Homer Simpson, “Duoh!”]

  8. Bob S. says:

    Let’s see

    Parents afraid of fireworks but willing to let an 11-year old go out and about at Midnight on New Years Eve.

    While I can understand an 11 year old not knowing about celebratory gun fire; what sort of parents let their children walk around Philly in the midst of a 300 year old tradition of celebratory gun fire?

    And police searching roof tops — and finding 700 rounds? Maybe a little bit exaggerated ?

    Claims to have been ‘just celebrating’ at Granny’s house but was hit a half a block away; so which was it?

    Regardless of what happened to him; I didn’t fire any of those shots. So with all due respect (next to nothing) he can stick his ‘gun control’ in a body orifice of his choosing.

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