More Good News!

Joan isn’t happpy!

A bill that would allow citizens more freedom to use deadly force is now on a fast track to Gov. Mark Dayton.

The Senate passed the bill Thursday with bipartisan support in a 40-23 vote after heated debate….Dayton has not said if he will veto the bill, but was concerned with police opposition.

Bi-Partisan AND a wide margin! Again being anti-rights is an extremist position not looked upon sympathetically by rational Americans, Liberal or Conservative. I suspect with a backing like that the Governor would be a fool to veto it, but we have boots on the ground there, so what do those of you from Minnesota think?

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0 Responses to More Good News!

  1. We’re not real sure where the Governor is on this – so we’ll have to wait and see.

    What we do not is that we can bring more letters and e-mails and calls to the table than the opponents – so there’s hope.


  2. Pat says:

    Joan and Company are predictably gnashing their teeth and throwing their hands in the air. Even Public radio is giving airtime to their cause…
    The Governor is a wild card as Bryan has stated…and without 2/3rds in the House…a veto override is unlikely.

  3. Rob Crawford says:

    Somewhere, Joel Rosenberg is smiling.

  4. JDRush says:

    Cool. Opens up another state for me to carry in, if it is finalized and signed.

  5. RWC says:

    “This bill provides a loophole for a defense of what I would call cold-blooded murder,” said Champlin Police Chief David Kolb of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association.

    Kolb recounted being 10 years old and sneaking onto a neighbor’s south Minneapolis property to steal apples from a tree.

    Based on the proposal, “now the property owner can use force, and even deadly force, against that 10-year-old apple thief,” Kolb said. “You can see the disconnect here with reality.”

    Yep, definite disconnect from reality. And he’s a chief? oh brother.

  6. I think she’s particularly butt-hurt today, the day after…

    I can’t even begin to describe the epic response I’m going to post for this one.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      They’ve lost the war, there is no hope, and they invested EVERYTHING in an ideology that is 100% wrong. Something has to break at that point. A Smart person will admit they were totally wrong, and work in a new direction to reduce violent crime.

      Stupid people double-down and go more insane. Of course Joan is stupid, and evil, but she also is getting paid to do all of this….

  7. maddmedic says:

    And when they passed “shall issue” here, the streets ran red with the blood of…no wait…
    They didn’t!!!
    I am waiting to see what Dayton will do.

  8. burnse says:

    I’m really hoping on this. I’ve been told by people who work for the state that Dayton can seem to be all over the place with decision making.

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