More “Peaceful Protests”

The Kill the Jews Movement are very non-violent, loving and peaceful people.

It started peacefully enough: A midday rally at City Hall and a march. But as the day wore on, Oakland was hit by the most turbulent protests in weeks as Occupy demonstrators clashed repeatedly with police, leaving more than 400 people arrested.

The demonstrations in downtown Oakland broke a lull that had seen just a smattering of people taking to Oakland’s streets in recent weeks for occasional marches that bore little resemblance to the headline-grabbing Occupy demonstrations of last fall.

That all changed Saturday with clashes punctuated by rock and bottle throwing by protesters and volleys of tear gas from police, and a City Hall break-in that left glass cases smashed, graffiti spray-painted on walls and an American flag burned.

Funny how all these protests end in violence. Also keep your eye on DC today.

Tensions between Occupy D.C. protesters and law enforcement increased Sunday afternoon with the arrest of a demonstrator and the approach of Monday’s noon deadline to enforce a ban on overnight camping.

Tempers flared about midday after police subdued a protester in McPherson Square with an electric shock. Several protesters accused the police of using excessive force, saying the demonstrator had been handcuffed by two police officers before a third used an electronic device to stun him.

When the deadline happens I suspect hell will break loose.

Also thanks to Roving Reported Bubblehead Les for all his attention to these events.

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0 Responses to More “Peaceful Protests”

  1. mike w. says:

    When the dregs of society get together to demand free shit this is what happens

  2. Bob S. says:

    I wonder how many innocent bystanders found themselves in the midst of the violent clash.

    I wonder how many people not expecting violence found themselves confronting rioters.

    I wonder how many people who thought they weren’t in a bad place (never mind they were in Oakland — there have to be some safe places even in Oakland), suddenly found themselves in danger.

    I wonder how many of those people wish it was easier to get a carry permit in California.

  3. Braden Lynch says:

    It is amazing that the lame MSM still paints the Tea Party as dangerous, while their beloved Occupy movement is the one with ALL the violence and criminal behavior.

    For the moment, we still have open long-gun carry in California. It kind of makes you want to sling your shotgun for any regrettable possibilities. My TASER is only going to stop one protestor if they get violent with me. Double-ought buckshot has much more persuasion power.

    How cute…Johnny Protestor came to riot and all he brought was a molotov cocktail and some bricks, while over there Joe Average citizen brought his shotgun…

  4. It seems to me that the places where the OWS movement is getting violent are the places that restrict firearms ownership/carry. I wonder if that is a concious decision by the OWS movement, or just a coincedence.


  5. Daniel in Brookline says:

    Slightly off-topic: on the drive to work the other day, I saw a female jogger wearing a sweatshirt that said OCCUPY YALE.

    It took me a moment to get it, then I couldn’t stop chuckling…

    The sweatshirt was in Harvard colors.

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