Movie Night

So I spent most of the First visiting with family. When they moved on, the Mrs, now able to drive after 6 months of seizure freedom took off to run some errands. I decided to pour myself a drink and watch a movie. I’d recently seen the trailer for the new GI Joe movie, and while the trailer from the first movie heavily dissuaded me from paying any attention to the franchise, this trailer looked amusing, so given that the first film was on Netflix Instant Watch I decided to watch it. Dumb movie, but pure entertainment and stupid action. I set the bar low, and was pleasantly surprised.

The wife came home and heckled the end of the movie a good deal (with encouragement from me), and she asked if The Fighter be the next on the docket. This one was depressing, slow, and after a half-hour neither of us gave a shit about any of the characters, so we shit-canned it for something more interesting. I’d been wanting to watch Hot Tub Time Machine since it came out, and like all of the listed films, it was on Instant Watch.

Five stars! Highly Recommend, it was awesome! We laughed our asses off.

Last up was a “Documentary”: Turtle: The Incredible Journey, now I put the quotes around “Documentary” because rather than the standard nature fare this was more of the Michael Moore-style. It attempted to tell a narrative of the life of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle, and give everything a cinematic appearance by use of staged scenes (many appear to be done in an aquarium tank, using a blue screen, and mixing in stock footage. Also the scenes of the life of a baby sea turtle, unless there is some new studies I’m unaware of) is a bit of a mystery of science. There is speculation that is likely true, but because its nearly impossible to track the movement of baby turtles in the open ocean I was a bit miffed that the speculation was passed off the same as the hard facts presented. The staged scenes were a bit preachy (and IMHO quite unethical given that they likely involved putting a young protected species in a tank of water with known hazards for the sake of adding suspense to a film passed off as fact.

I might say watch it for the stunning nature photography, but even the film wasn’t that good. Sadly more garbage.

Covered some good distance there. I love watching movies!

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0 Responses to Movie Night

  1. ZerCool says:

    I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who laughed his ass off at Hot Tub Time Machine. It was a great movie to enjoy with a Chernobly. 🙂

  2. bluesun says:

    Last evening’s entertainment here was a quality MST3K, also on Netflix. Hard to go wrong there.

    Saw the first GI Joe movie against my will. Thought it was pretty bad, but perfect for 13 year old boys. But I loved that new GI Joe trailer. The Rock was like “There’s only one man who can help us now” and I was like “BRUCE WILLIS, IT’S GONNA BE BRUCE WILLIS” and then Bruce Frikkin’ Willis shows up with a MACHINE GUN. I was like “YESSSSS!”

    And then I found $50.

  3. Cargosquid says:

    “after 6 months of seizure freedom”

    Outstanding! THAT’S the best news of the post. May 2012 continue that trend.

  4. wfgodbold says:

    You need to watch Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. It’s finally on Netflix streaming, and it’s awesome.

  5. Dev says:

    The Fighter was really good. You should give it another go. If you didn’t like it the first time, maybe approach it a little tipsy next time. I tend to find stuff I’m not interested in to be much more enjoyable when I’ve had a few.

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