Oh, the Sorrow of the Toothless Police State

This story is just a chain of red flags.

Maryland police say they averted a serious threat by tossing a possible “Dark Knight” copycat in a mental hospital but are outraged at their inability to charge him with any serious crimes.

You know why you can’t charge him with any serious crimes? BECAUSE HE DIDN’T COMMIT ANY!! Also, he’s fucking locked up now, that isn’t enough for you jackals?

Look, I’m no fan of this turd, he was making threats against other people. Hey but if he didn’t commit any “Serious Crimes”, don’t invent one! This way a police state lies!

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0 Responses to Oh, the Sorrow of the Toothless Police State

  1. Dwight Brown says:

    “making threats against other people” isn’t a serious crime? How are we defining “serious crime”?

    (This isn’t a shot at you, Weer’d, but at the Daily News.)

  2. Jake says:

    “There’s not much difference between this and other tragic incidents that happened across the country, other than that this didn’t happen.”


    My first question here has to be “What is the media not telling us?” My second question is “What are they deliberately not telling us?” My third question is “What are they outright lying about?”

    The quoted comment from one of his friends makes me wonder if this wasn’t just some watercooler-conversation bullshitting that someone not involved overheard and went all PSH over. There doesn’t appear to be any actual evidence that he was actually planning anything, yet now he’s experiencing an “indefinite” imprisonment, the loss of his Second Amendment Rights for life, and a permanent criminal/psychiatric record, and all that will stay with him for life even if he is never actually convicted of any crime.

    It makes me extremely suspicious that the police are overreacting out of fear of underreacting.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, reminds me of a story some of my friends told me. I know a few girls who are a few years younger than me who went to the same High School. Somehow my name came up in a science class of one of the teachers I was close with, and he mentioned that he constantly had students who said they wanted to be marine biologists, but to his knowledge I was the only one who actually earned paychecks after college doing it.

      Marine Bio is one of those fields that entices people up until they find out what most of the jobs are. Dirty, Smell, and hard. I don’t do it anymore, and probably never will in my life, and most people never even get as far as I did. The same can be said about people who want to be Doctors. Lots of people THINK about doing it, few actually complete the process.

      There’s a HUGE difference between saying and doing…as far as I can tell this guy did a LOT of saying…but never did anything quite up to the DOING part…and they’re saying its the same?

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    But there’s a troubling aspect to this story, Brother Beard. I believe this is about the 3rd or 4th Story I’ve read in the last year or so where someone has been sent to the Psych Ward when they found out that they had an “Arsenal” of Firearms.

    Now, how many times have you read that a Drug Dealer was sent to the Psych Ward because he had a Large Stash? Or some Ponzi Schemer went to the Psych Ward because he ripped off a $100 Million? Why is it that as soon as Johnny Law finds out there are GUNS involved, they send the Perp off to see the Shrinks?

    Granted, some of them needed to go to the Shrinks. But I know there have been a couple of cases up here on the North Coast where some Nosy Neighbor found out that the person next door had an “Arsenal” (Legally Owned), and after the SWAT Raid, they sent the Gun Owner to the Psych Ward.

    Here’s what’s Scary. I’m old enough to remember when the Soviet Union used to send “Political Prisoners” to INDEFINITE Sentences to a “Psychiatric Gulag.” After all, the reasoning went, they MUST be “Mad” to Oppose the State.

    Let’s hope that we aren’t seeing a Page from the “Communist Manifesto” being used against the RKBA.

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