One Less

Perry Drops out

Good, I’m like Jennifer, I’m sick of feeling excited when he says all the right things about guns, taxes, and liberty….but then says he’s going to kill all the fags and reward Illegal Aliens for breaking the law.

Plus pulling this shit:

The GOP is a Feild of weak misfits, and Rick, you were just as weak as the rest.

Wouldn’t it kinda be cool if ALL the Republicans dropped out of the race and it became a two man race, Obama vs. 3rd Party…couldn’t be worse than these losers!

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0 Responses to One Less

  1. Pyrotek85 says:

    “Wouldn’t it kinda be cool if ALL the Republicans dropped out of the race and it became a two man race, Obama vs. 3rd Party…couldn’t be worse than these losers!”

    3rd party might actually have a chance then, but as long as there are the two big parties running, it just seems to divide the vote. I’m at a loss for what to do next year.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well 3rd party by nature is the runt of the litter. Notice we never note the 1st or 2nd Party because the Donks and the GOP are more-or-less equally matched (and incompetent) if say the Libertarians, or Greens, or the Bull Moose party were to get some support the apple cart would immediately be upset and whatever party has the most defectors goes the way of the Whigs.

      So really what I’m saying is the Whigs got ‘et up with the Republican party, I think its time for somebody (preferably a viable Libertarian Party) eat the Republicans.

      Of course for a 3rd Party to be successful first we’ll need to populate the House and Senate with party reps…and to do that we need 3rd party state politicians….its a LOT of work, and I don’t even see a START to that.

      What is more likely is a Tea Party insurrection inside the GOP, much like how the Socialist took the Democrats from the Conservative party that ruled the Old South to our “Progressive” Marxists we have today.

  2. Linoge says:

    That he hung along this long after making such a damned fool of himself in the debates is a testament to how piss-poor of a President he would make at the current time.

    Maybe in the future. Sure as hell not now.

  3. McThag says:

    Yaaaaaay! Another primary completely decided before I get to vote in it!

    4th most populous state in the nation and our votes don’t matter because we don’t vote first.

    A pox on Iowa, a pox on New Hampshire, a pox on South Carolina!

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