Partisan Hackery

In the wake of the Wisconsin Recall I’m just amazed at the hackery from the Left…but only because its their turn to be hacks.

I’m all for playing politics, but I just HATE Partisan politics. The GOP Presidential primary was a prime example. Seriously, a threw up in my mouth every time people called Mitt Romney a “Conservative”, or Compared Newt Gingrich to Ronald Reagan. Let’s face it, those guys are RINOS, and you voted for the “R” after their name. You’re an idiot!

Now people are talking about “Buying Elections” because Scott Walker raised a lot of funds. But they’re ignoring that Obama raised shit-tons of money with his boyish charm and Marxist Revolutionary Ideals in the 2008 election. Nor do they seem to notice that no matter how much money ANYBODY spends, it doesn’t seem to sway their vote. Hell I voted for Ron Paul in the Mass Primary, and fully plan to vote for Gary Johnson in the general election, and both of those guys are dead-broke.

Also it seems that the bloggers who bitch the most about “buying elections” are most often the people who were expressing the ideals and joys of Dennis Kucinich in 2007 (while attacking Obama and Clinton for their “Right-Wing Warmongering”). If elections can be bought, how’d you manage to overlook the rich guy and vote for the political pauper?

Meanwhile I donated for the first (and likely last) time in the Scott Brown Senate race…and then I voted where I sent my money. Funny how that works. People who raise a lot of money have a lot of support.

Also I’m sick of people on one side bitching about how “Radical” the other side has become. Look, we don’t want RINOs on our side, and the leftis don’t want Blue dogs on theirs. Bitching about “Radicals” isn’t about ideals or getting along, they just want an ideal world where if they lose a seat to the other party, at least that person will still vote with them.

And these same Kucinich types will be caught bitching about “Reich-Wing Terror” or such hardcore conservatives like Scott Brown, Olympia Snow, and Susan Collins.

And its not like any GOP-types gave Al Gore a second look when he tied Joe Liberman to his ticket. Or Right-Wing-Hacks didn’t express the shame when moderate Bill Richardson got thrown out of office.

Just fight for your own side, and let the other side do what they will!

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0 Responses to Partisan Hackery

  1. Jack says:

    “Just fight for your own side, and let the other side do what they will!”

    My Dear Weerdington von Beard,

    If people were capable of putting on their big boy pants and letting the other side wear their big boy pants on matters of political spending, then they’d also be capable of doing it on issues like guns or drugs or soda.

    Meanwhile they have to blame the “bad money” because to do otherwise would mean that the voters made the decision (even if poorly, it was done of their free will) to not vote for them.

    And if you claim to speak for The People you can’t have The People defying you and making you look bad by picking some other lizard. Besides, if the proles really knew how to make decisions they wouldn’t need their govermental betters doing it for them.

    Therefore you just have to get rid of the “bad” money, and then use your “good” money to sway the proles into voting the “right” way, and thus preserving the concept of “common sense” democracy.

    Which is far moer convenient than that icky limited republic idea.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Speaking of Kucinich, the only really bright news in this whole election cycle is the fact that Dennis the Menace has, due to those “Evil Republicans” in Columbus, been redistricted out of a Job. Well, that and the fact that the “Evil Republicans” cut a deal with the Ohio version of the Congressional Black Caucus to keep Marcia Fudge in Office, and the fact that he had to go toe-to-toe with Marcy Kaptur, another Long-Term DemiCommie in the Democrat-ONLY Primary and got his Clock Cleaned. But other than those minor FACTS, it’s ALL the “Evil Republicans” fault.

    Ain’t Politics Fun?

  3. bluesun says:

    You want violent rhetoric, go back to when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were in their phase of hating each other. There were quite a few things said that would makd the modern day media’s whiskers curl, I can tell you that.

  4. Cargosquid says:

    If it wasn’t for partisan hackery, we’d have non-partisan hackery? Where they all collude to rob us blind and agree to do what’s best for us…oh…wait…..

    Never mind.

    Seriously, without partisanship, how do rights get defended or agendas moved? Partisanship is just siding with your own. Hackery, on the other hand, is universal.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah Partisanship is a double-edged sword. It can sway people to compromise for a greater good…but it can also empower radicals. This is one of my big fears with Mitt Romney as President. He’s an Authoritarian left-of-center Republican. He’s also a man of action and is BIG on drafting legislation and pushing agendas. If he pushes something dickish on line with Romney Care or the AWB (that he pushed in Massachusetts) I suspect a LOT of good Republicans will fall in line with it, when personally they might be otherwise against it.

      On the other hand, McCain has voted for some good laws. McCain is a goddamn bastard, and I imagine ANYTHING good he’s done was under partisan duress.

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