Political Signs

I don’t put political signs in my Yard. The big reason is the wife doesn’t like them, and when I bring them up she nixes the idea of putting them up. Also given politicians ability to go back on their promises, I’ll stand behind her. I mean I feel guilty about sending money to Scott Brown, as he’s broken every last one of his campaign promises. If I was hired for a job, and yet failed every one of my duties, they wouldn’t wait for my annual review to fire my ass…I’m just sayin’!

Sebastian talks a bit about the sign wars starting.

I went for a walk through some back streets of my neighborhood and I noticed something interesting. First I’ll note that my town is one of the most conservative towns in Massachusetts, so I saw more Republican signs than Democrat ones. Still the Democrat signs were all for Elizabeth Warren, and it seemed if they had a Warren sign, they had an Obama one too.

Meanwhile the Republican signs I saw were paired signs for Scott Brown, and Richard Tisei (An Openly Gay Republican with some strong libertarian leanings, I suspect he’ll win, as he’s got some issues with Organized Crime and Money Laundering in his family… He claims to have no knowledge of this, but that’s like Bill Clinton saying he didn’t have sex with that woman!

I only saw one Romney sign (tho the sign was bigger than the owner’s house, so maybe that counts more). As they say, signs don’t vote, but I think this speaks volumes. We know Romney here, and we’re not impressed.

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8 Responses to Political Signs

  1. Lissa says:

    I went the back way to work yesterday and saw a front-yard display of the following:

    – a Romney/Ryan sign (large)
    – an American flag on a small flagpole
    – an empty lawn chair

    Yeah 🙂

  2. JDRush says:

    So far, in my area I see local house race signs and signs for the local sheriff’s race. One neighbor has the “xyz” for Obama signs in the window. The only big Obama signs I see regularly, outside the campaign office (it is next to my LGS, LOL) are at a union hall.

  3. McThag says:

    Hey, I tried to get a different candidate nominated but by the time I was allowed to vote (and so early we lost half our delegates for it) the deal was done.

    It seems that Iowa and New Hampshire are the only states that matter in the primaries and by the time the rest of us get to vote most of the candidates have lost their funding because of their showing in two fairly liberal state’s polls.

  4. Jennifer says:

    I think I’m going to volunteer to clean up signs after the season. They make great targets/target holders.

  5. Bubblehead Les says:

    Not really seeing any up here on the North Coast (other than Local stuff).

    I am getting a little concerned about you developing RDS (Romney Derangement Syndrome), though. I mean, what are you going to do if Mittens WINS? Go all “Lee Harvey” on us?

    Bro, what’s done is done. Gary Johnson can’t shift the Votes like Nader or Perot. Just not enough support out there. Granted, it’d be nice for the Libertarians to gain enough Votes so they HAVE to be put on Ballots in the Future w/o having to use Petitions, but other than that, it’s going to be either Romney or Obama. Bad Choices, I know, but it’s like Poker. You gotta play the Cards one was dealt.

    Look, everyone who chose to Play in the Republican Playground this cycle couldn’t beat Mittens. I don’t like it, I think there’s some good candidates out there who thought “Not Yet,” and they decided to stay home. But that’s how things work.

    Think of it this way: 3 times Ron Paul stepped up to the Bat, and 3 times he struck out. If the American People wanted to have Ron Paul as President, then he’d have been Elected already. And that goes for ANY Candidate that hasn’t been “Anointed” to be the “Front Man,” and gets in through Political Shenanigans, like ACORN-rigged Votes. But that might not be enough for Barry this time around. We shall see.

    But I personally rather have Romney putting up the NEXT Supreme Court Nominee than Obama, because chances are, they’ll have to replace a Conservative and/or Kennedy this next Term. And If Obama gets to chose….

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Great points Less. Still first up, what do you think the chances are for Obama LOSING Massachusetts? There is zero chance my vote will count PERIOD, I’m honestly voting for Rich Tisei, all others I could care less about.

      If Romney wins just look back to my blogging day when Bush was President. I’m non-Partisan, so no matter who wins, blog fodder will be had.

      As for Gary Johnson, well I voted for Mitt in the 2008 primary, and McCain in the general…and Bush back in 2004.

      I feel like crap about all those votes, win or lose. Meanwhile I did vote for Paul in the GOP Primary, and that was kinda nice.

      So no, I won’t find a bell tower if Romney wins…and actually he’s a much better man than Obama who is a straight-up reprobate. I’m just softening the blow if Obama wins.

      Essentially we’re boned, period, but there are silver linings in all them clouds.

  6. Critter says:

    Something my Dad noted many years ago as to yard signs and bumperstickers and the like: signs, indeed, don’t vote, but then people who put them up do. This doesn’t apply to the signs on public property, but to someone’s private property or car. If the owner of said property cares enough to share their political opinion openly then you can be assured that they will vote that way. The person who puts up no sign or sticks no sticker to their car may or may not vote, but the sign person surely will.

    For some fun, and a non-scientific form of polling if there ever was one, count the yard signs in your town and then compare them to the election results. You may be surprised at how close the two results are. I’ve been using this method since 1980 and have yet to see the method fail.

  7. Linoge says:

    I understand political signs make good target stands. I cannot see much of a use for them beyond that; I mean, seriously, whose vote is going to be swayed by a little plastic sign in someone’s yard?

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