Programming and Beards

Mike W. sends me this amusing article.

What Separates Average Computer Programmers from Extraordinary Programmers? Beards.

Take, for example, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, who are pictured above. They have fine, beardly beards. They also invented C. A coincidence? Maybe. But certainly a beard can’t hurt. And studies that I just made up show a strong correlation between having a beard and being super intelligent. So why take chances? Start growing one today.

All I could think of was Sid from User Friendly. I had to have Vector explain the joke to me, as I know little to nothing about computer science. But beards and suspenders are the mark of a hardcore Linux/Unix programmer.

Certainly there’s something to be said about a man who isn’t going to waste time in the morning removing what God rightfully intended to be there in the first place. I will point that I never let my beard get super long, not for style reasons. This beard is a lifestyle choice, not a fashion decision. I simply don’t like to let it grow too long because I like to eat soup and actually get some of it in my mouth. But I certainly respect the Mega beard!

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0 Responses to Programming and Beards

  1. Archer says:

    I shaved for years, but due to the shape of my chin it’s next-to-impossible to get it all. Much happier having the beard, thank you very much. 🙂

    I’d eventually like to develop a Mega-beard capable of concealing a reload. I figure if Chuck Norris can hide an extra fist under there, I should be able to hide a few extra rounds!

  2. HerrBGone says:

    Weerd, you are missing the point… That on the upper lip is the bug strainer. The lower portion catches the snack for later. Having been bearded for much of my adult life I feel that I can speak to this with some degree of authority.

    Suspenders add geek cred? Who know? What if the suspenders are there to actually hold up you trousers and the belt is just there for mounting the cellphone case, flashlight case, leatherman, other holstered items, etc.?

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    So my Wife the Computer Programmer is supposed to grow a Beard?

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