Quote of the day: Context

From Joan:

On the way to church this morning, we saw a group of teens walking along the street with hooded sweatshirts on. It happened they these were black teens. But it could have been white teens. It’s a sunny, but chilly day in my neck of the woods today so it is not a surprise to see people with hoods of their jackets or sweatshirts up around their heads for warmth. But after the Trayvon Martin case, a hooded sweatshirt will never look quite the same.

All I could think is after the Trayvon Martin case a teenager on somebody’s chest beating away at their face while their victim screams at the top of their lungs for help looks about the same to me. Still my goal as a self-defense activist hopes that trying to beat on a random stranger looks a whole lot different to people who have such behavior in their social tool box.

This doesn’t just go for gun and self-defense friendly states like Florida or Texas, but states like Massachusetts or California are finding their offices that issue carry permits are taxed to the ragged edge keeping up with demand, as are gun counters selling guns to people.

Further if Zimmerman’s story is true (and the corroborating evidence is pointing that way) this has nothing to do with “Stand Your Ground” or “Shoot First”. This is plain-Jayne “Justifiable Homicide” which is 100% legal in every state in the union, and an atrocity to damn near every American when you hear about somebody in England going to prison for doing the same thing.

Of course the Anti-Freedom people don’t believe ANYBODY should defend their own life, certainly not against somebody who is unarmed, but still doing their best to beat you to death.

There are a lot of people who are claiming Mr. Martin’s hoodie has something to do with his death. They ignore the fact that he was wandering, close to dark, in the rain, potentially on drugs, and attacked a man who was reporting his suspicious behavior to Police.

Of course they want Zimmerman not only to be a murderer, but they want the motive to be because Mr. Martin was black, and Zimmerman was a Klansman. Further they want a race riot. With the way guns and permits have been going around, people are going to be defending their lives and their homes from the riots. This will result in “Gun Death” which is the currency of those who hate freedom.

Thankfully most of us want better.

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0 Responses to Quote of the day: Context

  1. cargosquid says:

    I haven’t seen the witness reports other than that Trayvon was on top in the fight.

    Do we have evidence showing who STARTED the conflict? Is it possible that Trayvon was not the aggressor, but was finishing the fight? Could Zimmerman have laid hands upon him to restrain him? Was Trayvon defending or offending?

    Unfortunately, we’ won’t be able to tell.

    Then you add the permanently aggrieved race hustlers like Sharpton into the mix and it all goes to hell.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Nobody knows how the two made contact. Allegedly Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend at the moment of contact. But her account of the conversation is both 2nd hand and hearsay. Further her story is the one story that doesn’t line up with any of the others. She claims Martin was concerned about being followed, and she told him to just run home. Given that Zimmerman gave him a head start, if Martin had run from Zimmerman out of fear he would have made it to his uncle’s property before Zimmerman could have caught up with him on foot. Further I’ve heard somebody say that Martin wasn’t discussing his fear of Zimmerman with his GF but having a fight with her, and that lady trouble got Martin’s temper to run hot. That’s all anecdotal evidence from Martin’s classmates, who in a school of his size, possibly didn’t even know him. That being said if GF had gotten in a fight with Martin minutes before he attacked Zimmerman and was shot, the guilt could lead her to change her story. 100% Speculation. Outside of the GF call, all the other witnesses saw the encounter AFTER Zimmerman was on his back and shouting for help. Most simply heard yelling and called the cops and kept their heads down.

      BTW the Eyewitness is the owner of the lawn Martin died on, and can be found here. Note in the arrest report that Zimmerman was wearing a red jacket with grass stains on the back, and Martin was found face-down wearing a grey hoodie.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Picture coming your way.

  3. maddmedic says:

    So Joan, wearing a “hooded sweatshirt” means what?

    I wear a hooded blaze orange sweatshirt every November.
    A camo one quite often..
    A black one just yesterday walking the dog..

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