Quote of the Day: Jason Kilgore

You got to love this Naivete/Stupidity!

As Sanghoee points out, our President has a real chance of changing the daily carnage of gun violence. The NRA knows this, and their efforts to arm everyone indiscriminately will be impeded. At last, pro-criminal efforts such as the NRA’s will be put to an end.

Yeah, because that social experiment hasn’t been totally put to bed.

Hey but maybe THIS time gun control will work, right?

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3 Responses to Quote of the Day: Jason Kilgore

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Talk about needing a Reality Check. They don’t have enough Cops to keep NYC safe, and yet this fool thinks that the Federales can muster enough PoPo to confiscate all the Guns in the U.S.

  2. Cargosquid says:

    “our President has a real chance of changing the daily carnage of gun violence.”

    Kilgore’s right. Our president did change the daily carnage of gun violence.

    He increased it. In Mexico.

    Here…he doesn’t stand a chance in hell. If he couldn’t do it under Pelosi/Reid, he sure isn’t going to do it under a Tea Party influenced House.

    Kilgore really IS delusional, isn’t he? Those tears make me so happy.

  3. Cargosquid says:

    I posted my comment: “our President has a real chance of changing the daily carnage of gun violence.”

    Kilgore’s right. Our president did change the daily carnage of gun violence.

    He increased it. In Mexico.

    at Japete’s. Nope. Not there.

    Not surprised.

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