Reason on Gay Mairrage

Good analysis. I think the big issue are blacks and Boomers. Blacks tend to be a lockstep Democrat voting bloc they don’t much like the gays as a group.

Also while the Baby Boomers were the dope-smoking, free-love hippies of the 60s, they are the corner stone of the Marxist “Progressive” movement which makes them ironically in favor of telling people they know best in what total strangers to with their bodies.

Seems for “Progressives” the only “Choice” they’re in favor of is weather a woman kills her baby.

And Choice is in quotes because every “Progressive” knows Sarah Palin chose wrong, and should have killed Trig in the womb!

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0 Responses to Reason on Gay Mairrage

  1. Silverevilchao says:

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, emotionally charged much?

  2. Greg Camp says:

    I thought that gay men had more style than to allow a unibrow, but I guess there’s more variation within groups than between groups.

    The question that I always ask is how gay marriage will hurt straight marriage. The claim is that two men or two women getting married will destroy the marriages of men and women, but I can’t see how that works.

    The answer, of course, is that some people need everyone to do what they do to feel cosy in their small lives.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Honestly its just the opposite. When you create a culture of the homosexual nuclear family things get so much more conservative. You get the America dream for a young gay man to grow up, fall in love, get married, and adopt a bunch of kids from straight people who have shittier relationships than theirs.

      And I’m Street like Sesame, bitch, and Bert and Ernie weren’t gay. They were two single men living in NYC, we call that “Roommates” who can afford their own place these days?

      Me and my buddy had an apartment together. I don’t know which one of us was Bert, and which was Ernie….

  3. Jack says:

    State by state. A bit like the CCW “revolution”.

    Reminds me of this old post by Reynolds.

    “GUNS AND GAYS: It’s often struck me that opposition to gay rights, and opposition to gun ownership, have a lot in common. Most people opposed to each are concerned as much with symbolism as with practical effects (you often hear comments prefaced with “I don’t want to live in a country where people are allowed to do that”) and it seems more an aspect of culture war than anything else.

    Personally, I’d be delighted to live in a country where happily married gay couples had closets full of assault weapons. ”

    As a personal belief, I’m against the whole idea of the State being an arbiter of marriage. The whole “I’m sorry but your love, land agreement, joining of houses didn’t meet state approval.” is creepy.

    That being said. Gay marriage is a compromise, especially since the position I like is quite unpopular.

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