Rick Santorum Wins….Iowa?

A little bit of hilarious minutia

Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum received 34 votes more than former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in this month’s Iowa caucuses, the Des Moines Register reported Thursday.

Now its hilarious minutia because #1: Caucuses are bizzare bullshit that have almost nothing in common to elections, and #2. Because generally the GOP voters aren’t very keen on the current lineup. There are people who don’t like Romney, but somehow think he’d be better than Barack Obama (those people are wrong, BTW), and people who think Romney is a lousy candidate and want somebody else.

The only problem is who they want is “Somebody Else”, not a particular candidate, so Santorum’s little popularity bump is just an artifact of people vetting him…and then rejecting him because he’s a homophobe authoritarian nutjob.

Still its amusing to see such a little swing because it draws attention to what a lousy candidate Romney is, and it shows what a sad Jokes a Caucus is.

So there’s your bizarre political news for the day.

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0 Responses to Rick Santorum Wins….Iowa?

  1. RobertM says:

    That count is well within the margin of cheat. They should just say they tied and be done with it.

  2. maddmedic says:

    They are all pathetic…
    Every damn one of them..
    GOP, Democrat…All of them…

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Well, I see that Ministry of Propaganda (the MSM) is doing its best to marginalize any Republitard Candidate other than Romney. Now that Perry’s out, and supporting Newt, that leaves 4 Little Indians. So the S.C. Primary will have Newt, Santorum, Paul and Romney. ABC is doing a “News” Hit Piece about one of Newt’s ex’s, every Marxist/Liberal/Progressive group out there is attacking Newt and Rick, and Paul is still stuck with his ’90s Political Philosophy (that’s 1790’s).

    So, if this Trend continues, by the time the Ohio March 6th. Primary rolls around, the only significant things I’ll have to Vote on are my local Tax Levies, because Romney will have it all sewn up.

    Then the White House and the MSM can start their REAL work, which will be to Trash Romney.

    Unless, of course, Paul goes off the Rails and does a 3rd. Party Split the Vote like Perot and Nader, thus insuring that Obama wins.

    But if Paul stays out of it, it’s looking like a Dead Heat between Romney and BHO in November, which means the Election will be decided by how many Ballot Boxes the DemaCommies can stuff full of illegal ACORN-Type Votes.

    Bottom line: We’re Screwed.

    I recommend buying more Ammo.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I don’t think Ron Paul will go 3rd party, as at this point he’s using this campaign as national exposure to Rand Paul who might make an interesting candidate for President, and Rand and he both don’t want the name “Paul” to be synonymous with “Perot”. That being said I’ll be VERY surprised if Gary Johnson isn’t on the Ballot come November….and I can’t say I won’t vote for him.

      Its a Mess, for sure, and I wonder how Romney will hold out as more candidates drop out, as the followers of those candidates will HAVE to go somewhere.

      Of course when Hermon Cain dropped out my vote went to Paul…if Paul were to drop out, I simply won’t vote in the Primary (especially with Perry out, who I thought was a VERY weak candidate, but I would take him over Romney or Gingrich any day), and in a Choice between Romney, Gingrich, or Obama, I’ll vote Obama if a 3rd Party isn’t available, and I’ll be pleased with an Obama win.

      Any of these goons left on the GOP side get elected, the campaign organizers and advisers will claim was a mandate on RINO Authoritarians, and indeed that WILL be all that party serves. If the GOP gets crushed just like McCain did, on a president as disliked and unpopular as Obama, maybe people will start re-thinking how they run things.

  4. Jake says:

    I had hopes that if Paul actually got the nomination I could vote for him instead of adding to any split by voting Libertarian.

    Unfortunately, I found out about this little turd of a bill that he proposed in 2009.

    It is entirely appropriate and Constitutional for the federal courts to determine whether a state law violates the federal Constitution or not, and if for some reason it’s not appropriate, than that applies to the whole Bill of Rights, not just the anti-gay, anti-abortion bits targeted in the bill.

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