Sad that it Came to This, But a Good Choice

Gabrielle Giffords announces she will resign from Congress.

It is sad and tragic that she was so severely injured, but this was a very brave and contagious political move. Congresswoman Giffords has only made a few political appearances in Washington since she was nearly killed by an assassination attempt over a year ago. One could point to those appearances as “Political Stunts”, and that could be a fair statement.

The sad truth is she is not physically fit for the job, I’m glad she’s not taking the cowardly and disgustingly partisan move of people like Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd who became so terminally ill that they were unable to leave their bedchambers, let alone perform the tasks they were elected for, and both created massive political circuses when they passed away, leaving their people without representation.

A brave move, Congresswoman Giffords, and it was the right one. I’m so pleased you’ve recovered as much as you have, and I wish you a speedy and complete recovery in the near future!

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0 Responses to Sad that it Came to This, But a Good Choice

  1. bluesun says:

    Well, I hope it’s a contagious political move.

  2. Jake says:

    Well, I hope it’s a contagious political move.

    From your keyboard to $DIETY’s eyes, bluesun.

  3. Broken Andy says:


    Though the other Dems leaving Congress might actually have a communicable disease. Let’s hope.

  4. Jennifer says:

    Methinks your slip is Freudian. Hopefully, anyway

  5. McThag says:

    Not just courageous; honorable. We forget that word so often when talking about politics.

  6. Bubblehead Les says:

    I hope her recovery continues, and she gets as well as possible. But she’s “Good Buddies” with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (Finestein-The Next Generation), and something tells me the Brady Bunch might just be changing their name to the Giffords Bunch. Stay Tuned.

  7. RWC says:


    I don’t think that will happen. At least if her past record is of any consequence.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      +1, She’s said nothing about the issue since she’s recovered, she certainly hasn’t been asking for the least bit of sympathy. Also as far as I’ve been hearing she owned and carried a Glock 19 herself.

      There’s a possibility, and that was the fear when the Brady Center hinted on a major political event at the end of 2011 (it turned out to be their worthless and insulting “Candlelight Vigil” that has come to be known with infamy in the Gun Blogs) that Congresswoman Giffords might be becoming a spokeswoman.

      Also I’ll note that the Brady Center and the Joyce Foundation shell groups have been doing anything and everything to get her attention, and they have been ignored.

      I suspect she won’t bother with them, if I had to bet.

      • RWC says:

        She also thanked the NRA for educating children through their Eddie Eagle program and wants a nationwide standard for CCW where it would be valid in all states like a drivers license.. Nah, she is on the right side of the second amendment.

  8. AuricTech says:

    As one of Representative Giffords’ constituents, I figured I’d pass on my local newspaper’s take on what comes next for my district (with redistricting, my district will change from CD8 to CD2, but with little change in boundaries). Interestingly, one of the likely Republican candidates, John Lervold, is married to a former co-worker of mine.

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