Serious Winning

Sebastian and John have pictures from the NRA endorsement of Romney, and I guess the attendance was 10,000.

Sebastian notes that and anti-gun protest in the same area is about…10 (but they have about 20 crappy signs!)

I mentioned last night on the Squirrel Report, that I think the numbers of lackluster supporters and get-rich-quick guys in gun blogs are due to the fact that guns are just SO POPULAR right now. You can’t lose right now if you talk about guns, and Anti-gun people can’t find a friend even when they beg.

Of course there is a limit to everything, eventually guns will no longer have shock value, or novelty. When hanging out in the lab people will whip out various smart phones to amuse themselves while a sample runs in a machine, or to check for messages after a meeting. A few years ago, everybody would be asking “What phone is that?” “Is that the new iPhone?” or “Is that an Android?”. Now nobody cares, as EVERYBODY has one. Soon just about everybody will have a gun, and it won’t be novel. People will care about guns when A) They’re looking to buy a new one, or B) If they need to defend themselves. Target shooting and hunting will also be moot, because its just one of those things people in America do.

When that happens this blog will be pretty boring unless I ramp up the music, movies, and baby duck posts.

I look forward to that day! ๐Ÿ˜€

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3 Responses to Serious Winning

  1. bluesun says:

    I have to make a confession: for the most part, I skip through your “gun death” stories, and Jay’s DGC, and anything that has to do with Glock Vs. Drama Llama. I have stopped caring. I put my J-frame in my pocket every day, and get on with my life. So Alan’s “Gun Blogs Are Dead” is true for me, anyway…

    …but I have always enjoyed the random youtubery and pictures of baby ducks!

  2. Greg Camp says:

    More bands like Great Big Sea!

  3. Jon says:

    ” A few years ago, everybody would be asking โ€œWhat phone is that?โ€ โ€œIs that the new iPhone?โ€ or โ€œIs that an Android?โ€. Now nobody cares, as EVERYBODY has one. ”

    You don’t hang out with the level of technogeek that I do. My wife and a friend were doing exactly that last night at dinner – talking processor speed, stability of aftermarket ROM’s, screen resolution, app compatibility, the presence of a split-screen multitasking feature. This goes on all the freakin’ time.

    I agree with everything else in this post *g*.

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