Standing Headline

Les sends me a TON of these stories, often I don’t report on them just because of the repetitive nature of them. This time I decided to report BECAUSE of the repetitive nature of these stories. The title is reference to the Newspaper term for a headline that can be run in a pinch on any slow news day. Here at Weer’d World its Arrests and Violence at Occupy Protests.

Occupy Wall Street protesters are back in Union Square after clashing with police there overnight.

The situation grew tense when police tried to clear out the park around midnight, forcing hundreds of protesters to the sidewalks.

Demonstrators heckled officers by dangling a donut on a string and chanting, “Get your hand off your gun.”

Protesters claim one woman was knocked unconscious after being thrown to the ground by police.

Some protesters were taken into custody.

Pretty much any day in America now you will find violence and law breaking at Kill the Jews protest. Meanwhile in “Progressive” America you see the defenders of the violent rabble grabbing at straws. Like the Tea Party leader arrested for checking an unloaded gun at LaGuardia Airport. The charges were dropped because the arrest was likely in direct violation of the Firearm Owners Protection Act. Or this story of a Tea Party Leader arrested for rape.

Bad stories, but this is all they have, meanwhile RIGHT NOW violence, and crime are happening in the camps at any given day.

That says a lot.

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