The Beard Gives Him Power…To Fight the TSA

Wow this great story was sent to me by Archer:

The rest of the story is here. from the print story:

Brennan thinks he committed no crime.

“I know that nude, but not lewd, is protected speech in Oregon,” he said.

According to ORS 163.465.

(1) A person commits the crime of public indecency if while in, or in view of, a public place the person performs:

(a) An act of sexual intercourse;

(b) An act of deviate sexual intercourse; or

(c) An act of exposing the genitals of the person with the intent of arousing the sexual desire of the person or another person.

He may have a point. And an annual Portland bike ride to back up his claim.

Go Brennan! This bearded brother has earned my respect! If people don’t like this horseshit they need to speak out. If people don’t have an issue with the TSA they need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

The TSA has stopped no terrorists, and has allowed countless contraband that is EASILY detectable go through their screenings. They sexually assault people and take indecent pictures. And all that is on top of their blatant disregard to the 4th Amendment.

The TSA should be the people in jail, not Mr. Brennan.

Oh and the news footage blurred the images, but I suspect Mr. Brennan has some massive balls to stand up the way he did! 8)


Disband the TSA Yesterday!

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0 Responses to The Beard Gives Him Power…To Fight the TSA

  1. Vector says:

    I wonder what would happen if one pissed oneself or took a dump during a TSA Gate Rape…

  2. Bob S. says:

    He may not have a point after all

    (b) An act of deviate sexual intercourse; or

    If the probulation the TSA gives us isn’t deviant, then few things are.

    • Archer says:

      If they can get HIM on the “deviant sexual intercourse” charge for being probulated, then he can get THEM on the “forcible penetration” clause of a rape charge. Fair’s fair.

      Plus, I don’t think they have half the cojones (or the beard-power) this man does.

  3. Greg Camp says:

    Just wait. The TSA will decide that they need to charge us with public nudity because we stand in front of their screening machines. “I saw you naked–that’s a crime!”

  4. Mark says:

    This man has the right idea. The ban on racial profiling means that the obvious terror suspects are ignored, while everybody else has to be mistreated in the name of ‘equality’.

  5. Bubblehead Les says:

    Wait a minute. This whole was started because the “Your Tax Dollars at Work” multi-thousand Dollar Explosive Sniffing Device went off, right? Well, if he had Chili with BEANS in the past 24 hours…. : )

  6. Archer says:

    Also, can’t help but be amused by the spokesperson’s comments. From the story:

    TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz told KGW “TSA partners with the traveling public to screen all passengers safely and efficiently. When a passenger chooses to be purposefully disruptive, we notify law enforcement. “

    If a defective machine becomes “disruptive,” do they notify law enforcement of that as well?

    And what is this “TSA partners with the traveling public” B.S.? As a member of the “traveling public,” I wasn’t notified of this supposed partnership. To paraphrase the peasant from Monty Python and the Holy Grail: “Partnership? I didn’t vote for ye.” 😉

  7. Old NFO says:

    They don’t give a shit about us… PERIOD!

  8. wrm says:

    Hard to see from this angle, but that fellow has balls.

    (c’mon, *someone* had to say it!)

  9. Vector says:

    You have it wrong. Beta’s not hungry…Beta has to pee. 🙂

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