The Silly Season Commeth

Let’s be honest at BEST this campaign season is going to be a repeat of the 2004 Bush v Kerry race. Two candidates that were weak, and nobody liked. That’s a best case scenario, I have a feeling that both these dorks are less capable than the aforementioned dorks.

So the latest is this stupidity.

The crux is that Romney did a family car trip with his dog in a carrier on the roof. Romney said the dog loved it, others are claiming the dog hated it. I have no idea, I don’t fucking care. If Romney was cruel to his dog, he was cruel in the most half-assed way. If you want to make the argument that Romney is a half-assed cruel politician, I’d say that shoe fits.

The rebuttal is Obama said while living in Indonesia he ate dog meat. Is that cruel to dogs? certainly I can’t name a dog that is a fan of being killed for food…also given that killing animals comfortably with care and respect is part of my job, this is almost as meaningless.

Of course all this bullshit is before the big talks of who has nicer hair, who’s wife is prettier, or dresses better, or who’s taller.

Frankly both candidates such as politicians and on their political resume, as well as their current, and most likely false, political stances. So the campaign will likely mostly be hair, height, wives, and dick-measurement.

This is going to be a long, ugly, and stupid election, and in the end the United States of America is going to lose. I would make an agenda to NOT pay attention, but this bullshit is going to be piped into our water. There is no escape.

**UPDATE** Borepatch brings a little more objective smartness that looks at the more concrete aspects of this upcoming election.

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0 Responses to The Silly Season Commeth

  1. SGB says:

    I agree brother. A long summer is in front of us followed by four years of subpar leadership.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Summer? We’re still in Spring! Trust me, ASAP, I’m putting in for my Absentee Ballot, sending the Smelly Thing Off as soon as I can, and be ready to go to the Gun Store the Day after the Election to “Top Off.”

    Check that. Make that the day BEFORE the Election to Top Off. Trust Me, Marxists and their Cronies HATE having to give up Power, and just looking at how some of the Anointed One’s “Supporters” act in public, well….

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh yeah, on election night 2008 I feared Obama losing MORE than I feared him winning. Not for political reasons, but for riots.

      That’s further solidified given how I feel about Obama and Romney. If Obama loses there is a chance of riots. Let’s hope the people so inclined to do such things are so disenfranchised by his leadership that they don’t.

      But keep your powder dry and your mags loaded.

  3. Jack says:

    What amazes me is the unforced error of it all. Look if there is a record in your past of you eating a dog… don’t try to use cruel treatments to dogs as a talkin’ point.

    It’s like of Obama critisized Romney for laughably writing an autobiography in his 30’s and expecting people to me mezmorized by tales of Ivy-leauge education and working with money.

    We’ve really got a pair of feebs here don’t we?

    Well… not like the pickings were great before it came down to just two.

    Take heart, at least one of them won’t be in office come next year.

  4. Lissa says:

    Awww . . . is no one else enjoying the jokes as much as I am? the #ObamaDogRecipes hash tag is HILARIOUS!

  5. Rob Crawford says:

    Favorite joke so far: “As a kid, Obama loved wokking the dog”.

  6. Rob Crawford says:

    Trumped already. Tim Blair: “QUARTER HOUNDER”.

  7. Cargosquid says:

    Everyone knows that Obama is an author.
    But not everyone knows that he wrote a sequel to a favorite children’s book.

    101 Dalmatians – Recipes for the Dog Lover

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I didn’t know he was an Author. I know he signed his name under a few books that Bill Ayers wrote for him…

      BTW Last night on the radio the host was reading some of the #ObamaDogRecipes tweets, and you and Lissa are right….that is hilarious! Even more so when you note that Obama has been beating on this story of the dog getting diarrhea on a long car trip almost 30 years ago so hard.

      The host also had the sound clip from the “Dreams of my Father” read by Senator Obama where he talked about eating dog meat and snakes, and grasshoppers (Either way, Christina, he’ll eat your Greyhounds!!). SNERK!

      • Lissa says:

        In addition to the really clever jokes (chicken poodle soup!), it’s absolutely hysterical watching folks who had been frothing themselves into a lather about dog TRANSPORTATION now defend . . . dog CONSUMPTION. It’s fabulous.

  8. If it’s dick measurement, I gotta put my money on the black dude. Gonna play it safe this year.

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