The Tragedy of Gun Free Zones

One things that people promoting “Gun Free Zones” always overlook is:

A) Criminals don’t give a shit, as their crimes are worse than the weapon charges, and they don’t plan to get caught.

B) Transitioning from Armed to unarmed has a wealth of dangers to it. Both in handling the weapon, and safely storing it.

Of course being a gun owner I know that if I’m caught my hobby, and possibly my life is ruined, so obeying the laws is important to me, even if I don’t agree with them. But also to comply with the law in the easiest sense means I need to be futzing with a loaded gun inside a car, and finding a place to secure it. (not that cars are essentially a glass box, and no matter HOW you vault-up your gun, the whole car can be stolen and taken to a chop shop).

This means that if I go to a “Gun Free Zone” I simply don’t arm up to start with. Its easier, safer, and I’m less likely to be seen handling a gun in my car, and less likely to have my car and/or my gun stolen.

This is why I leave my gun at home when I visit North Carolina. They honor my permit, and I can carry there…but there are so many legally enforced “Gun Free Zones” it just isn’t worth it.

This story covers it all:

Police arrested two teenagers in the shooting death of a former college volleyball player in St. Louis in what they suspect was a botched robbery attempt.

The suspects are described as black males, both 18 years old, from St. Louis, Fox affiliate KTVI reported. Formal charges are expected to be filed later Friday, according to the station.

Megan Boken, 23, a former all-state volleyball player from Illinois, was shot while sitting inside her white Volkswagen outside the apartment complex where she lived last Saturday. Boken was in St. Louis to visit her alma mater, St. Louis University, and play in the annual alumni game.

Now robbery and murder are illegal, which makes the point that two 18 year old punks (possible with criminal history) carrying a gun (that sounds like is stolen) is moot.

A 23 year Old Woman is right in the wheelhouse of modern conceal carry….but she was in town for a University event, so would she be carrying even if she did generally?

This is why I hate “Gun Free Zones”, they don’t keep the bad guys out…but BOY do they disarm the good guys!

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