The White House and Gun Control

Jay covers this BLNN story of UN talking about their anti-gun “Arms Treaty”, meanwhile in Washington we have this:

Secret Service agents shut down a protest outside the White House on Monday where about 30 young protesters demanded President Barack Obama fire Attorney General Eric Holder.

Agents on scene claimed a backpack abandoned on a sidewalk was a “suspicious package,” closing the Pennsylvania Avenue pedestrian mall in front of the White House, and the adjoining Lafayette Park, from protesters and tourists. All pedestrian traffic, including media, was forced to retreat to side streets.

Officers roped the streets off with bright yellow crime scene tape and brought in bomb-sniffing K-9 dogs…The protesters had a National Park Service protest permit from 10 a.m. to noon. Agents began clearing the crowd at 10:43 a.m., giving little information to protesters and tourists as they forced them out of the area.

Hot summer day of protesting I bet a lot of people brought bags with water, snacks, and supplies for their protest, and didn’t feel like lugging them around. Seems mighty convenient to suppress the protest against a man currently being sheltered by the White House for being complicit in the murders of hundreds of people.

The antis like to attempt to link Fast and Furious with the Bush Administration’s failed “Wide Receiver” sting. Only “Wide Receiver” made attempts to actually TRACK the guns fed into the wild, and when the program didn’t show results, they shut it down. Fast and Furious made no attempts to ship the guns, and openly pressed the guns into the hands of known criminals at tax payer expense. Why? To push registration and Assault Weapons bans.

Now that the lid is blown off this case, the White House is doing all it can to do damage control to protect the administration to their criminal acts.

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0 Responses to The White House and Gun Control

  1. Jack says:

    Wide Receiver was also done with the knowledge and support of Mexican Law Enforcement officials. Fast and Furious was not.

    That’s the Obama administration. Taking Bush’s failed policies and doing them again, only HARDER!

    You can tell alot about the biases, and nationalistic/racial arrogance of how that little bit gets swept asside by the Left. “Why should the the mighty Feds have to dirty themselves by asking permision from those Mexicans?” and “Who cares about dead Mexicans; they’d have been killed anyway.”

    But it’s racist to go after Holder.

  2. Jay G. says:

    I’d also like to point out that George Bush was accused of ZOMG SQUASHING TEH FREE SPEECH when there were “protest zones” for his speeches and such.

    This, not so much.

    I like how they got a permit for the protest and it was still squashed. Enjoy your slip of paper, peon.

  3. Bob S. says:

    Maybe I’m hopelessly out of date but I find the idea that an ‘abandoned backpack’ is justification for moving people out of the area ridiculous.

    Yes, I know they have been bombings using such an artifice but that whole probable cause should still come into play. Just the mere presence of a bag without someone in immediate control of it is not enough to jeopardize people’s lives. It isn’t just this protest but every venue, every city is implementing the same over the top reaction plan.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      It really is bullshit. I have a few friends who did patrols in Iraq, and they talked about how terrifying IEDs are because they can hide them ANYWHERE. Piles of garbage, roadkill animals, filled in potholes, drainage ditches, etc. Let’s face it, these potential hiding places are EVERYWHERE in DC. Either they need to shut down the whole city, or they need to up their intelligence.

      Nope this is just a bullshit card people can play when they want to flex their muscles.

  4. Rob Crawford says:

    Last year I was at the Tower of London and overheard two of the guards talking about a wheelchair that had been left in one place two long. No panic, no ushering people out of the area, just a word from one to another that he saw something suspicious — despite the IRA having used their secret bomb warning hotline earlier that day.

    Seems to me the Secret Service could have handled this the same way.

  5. TS says:

    They use Wide Receiver as an excuse that somehow makes F&F justified. No, the fact that something similar had been tried before and had the plug pulled works against the F&F operation. Why oh why, did someone feel the need to do it again, and this time not use RF tracking devices, or work with anyone in Mexico? Whose idea was it? Isn’t the implication that it must have come from above the guy who pulled the plug last time?

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