This looks TERRIBLE!

Sometimes you see a movie trailer that looks so bad you need to share!

Soft-headed anti-capitalistic nonsense without the faintest idea about suspension of disbelief.

And Max Von Sydow should fucking know better!

Weer’d Beard will not be in attendance!

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0 Responses to This looks TERRIBLE!

  1. Jack says:

    This remake looks horrible.

    Rowdy Roddy Piper did a faaaaaar better job.

    Seriously, They Live did the concept with a lot more subtly, deft, and believability.

    And that’s a movie that had an overly long alley fight just to get a guy to put on some glasses.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Fucking LOVE “They Live”.

      I can see the similarities….except this one looks full of suck.

      I heard the Alley fight was supposed to just be a few minutes, but Piper and David had been working behind the scenes to cardiograph a much more dramatic fight than was scripted.

      • Jack says:

        Yeah, They Live had fun with the idea and was -actually- good.

        Where this seems to be bloated self indulgence with the “I have an IMPORTANT message to you sheeple” across every single clip.

        And I love a movie that’s all anti crash consumerism ends with an obvious bit of Transformers-eque style CGI-splotation with loads and loads of giant aliens fighting.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          That really appears to be where this fails. They Live used anti-consumerism as a useful excuse to make a crazy movie about aliens, insanity, and underground resistance, and lots of sweet-sweet violence.

          This appears to be a bunch of SFX and character development as a way to jam a “world changing” message down our throats.

          Marry Poppins was correct, in a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

          Still doesn’t change that medicine tastes like crap, and that Marry Poppins was giving medicine out because she thought getting your feet wet and cold made people sick.

          Never except medical advice from a demonic entity!

  2. Critter says:

    there was a scsience fiction story, the title of which eludes me, wherein the advertising agencies controlled the political process because they used mind control techniques to sell everything. 30 or 40 year old but the themes are strikingly similar.

  3. Cargosquid says:

    I see that I’m not the only one that thought of THEY LIVE.

    I think that this movie is just an excuse for the CGI people to show off.

  4. Critter says:

    The Merchants’ War by Frederick Pohl

    ha! i haz GoogleFu!

  5. cheifjaybob says:

    I’m going to file this one in the same cabinet as the Lincoln-Vampire movie. WTF are they smoking in Hollywood now?

  6. Linoge says:

    Hm. Special effects are not even that good, and I am willing to overlook a lot of transgressions in the name of special effects (See: Battleship).


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