TSA Doing What It Does Best

Not finding contraband, but finding shit worth stealing.

A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) official has been charged after being accused of stealing eight iPads from luggage at Dallas/Fort Worth International airport, KXAS-TV reported.

Clayton Keith Dovel, a baggage inspector, has been charged with theft by a public servant and has been suspended by the TSA.

“The unacceptable behavior of this individual in no way reflects the dedication of our nearly 50,000 transportation security officers who work tirelessly to keep our skies safe,” TSA said in a statement obtained by the station.

No word if he also felt a lot of REALLY AWESOME tits, or some super hot children who were TOTALLY asking for it!

BTW if the TSA goons are working “Tirelessly”, then boy do they conceal their exhaustion well. Also I’ll just sneer at the irony of the mention that they in any shape are doing anything in relation to safety…unless we’re talking about the safety of NOT having our shit stolen, or NOT having our sexual organs touched.

Sorry the 50,000 officers sole job is stealing stuff, and molesting people sexually. Show me anything else they do.

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0 Responses to TSA Doing What It Does Best

  1. Divemedic says:

    Last time I flew, from Las Vegas to Missouri, I arrived home and found a “TSA opened and hand inspected your bag” note inside my suitcase. What I didn’t find inside my suitcase were $40 in missing cash, a few clothing items, and a rather expensive electric razor. Some would say that I left them in my hotel, but I check the room as I am leaving to make sure that I do not leave anything. I always do.

    No, I didn’t report it. Why would I? Will it get me my stuff back? No, surely not. Could it place me on a government “do not fly” or “harass while flying” list? Maybe.

  2. ExurbanKevin says:

    In TOTALLY UNRELATED news, TSA security is a load of crap, says…

    … a former head of the TSA.


    Where was she when the TSA was banning lighters, liquids and sunscreen?

  3. Greg Camp says:

    And the gun grabbers wonder why we have concerns about the government. Barring a dire emergency, I’m never going to fly again.

    The TSA should consider that statement. It’s a fact that flying is safer than driving, but given all the nonsense that has been layered on flying these days, I will drive myself, despite the risk. What has the government achieved? More drivers on the roads and no examples of how they’ve stopped any incident in the skies that older security measures wouldn’t have caught.

    God bless our government; no one else will.

  4. Bill Baldwin says:

    TSA 50,000 child molesting, granny grabbing, thieving Rat Bastards. The Mafia would be proud. Ijal;skhf’;asdnk;flx’;glv

    The mafia “called” and apparently were insulted. Their “spokesman” said they would never stoop to molesting children or grabbing grannies.

  5. Braden Lynch says:

    Yeah, he was suspended. Yawn.
    Will any criminal charges actually stick?

    Due to the fact that he is in a special, trusted government position, I think that the TSA should be the first to support crime sentencing enhancements, so that he serves at least 10 years for this theft. That might improve their image and stop their greedy hands.

    Next, castration for their perverts and that would teach them to keep it clean.

    Seriously, the TSA is well beyond redemption and need to be disbanded and have the airlines administer their own security. At least they have a vested interest in security and customer service.

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