Tweets of the Antis

Too funny. Got a few first this one from CSGV.

#Starbucks Facebook page full of gun porn pics from pro-gunners who carried handguns into @Starbucks today.

It is! Check it out! LOL FAIL!

Another from CSGV

PHOTO taken today @ #Georgia @Starbucks. Why does #Starbucks let individuals bring loaded guns into its stores?

He links this picture. A clean-cut guy in business casual (tho thems are some nice shoes, maybe he puts on the coat and tie when he gets to the office) having a coffee and reading his paper, with his GLOCK and SERPA in tow. What’s the big deal? Nobody else in the shop appears to notice or care. (As a general rule if people are afraid or intimidated they tend to keep their eyes on the threat, and avoid getting cornered. Seems like everybody else in the shop is having a good time, and enjoying their coffee. Might have a bit of an irrational fear…or being paid to propagate one, in the case of CSGV.

Last is from Protect Minnesota, Joan Peterson’s Joyce Front group.

Shoot First bill will be heard in Minnesota Senate this week. We don’t need a law to make it easier to shoot innocent people.

First up, this is straight-up propaganda, so let’s inject some facts.

It’s commonly known as the Castle Doctrine, Bill 1467 states: An individual taking defensive action may use all force and means, including deadly force. It presumes a person using deadly force has reasonable belief that imminent harm exists. The bill also redefines a “dwelling” to include front and back yards as well as motor vehicles.

Shoot an innocent person that’s called “Murder” and its still on the books, and still reads the same. Somebody forces entry into your home or car, or makes violent threats while trespassing on your property you can assume they mean it. I also assume that after a shooting if no criminal charges are filed against the person defending their lives this further protects them from civil suits against vengeful families of the criminals.

Just goes to show that anti-rights advocates are also pro-criminals, if these are the people they’re calling “Innocent”.

**UPDATE** Joan Doubles Down

.@everygun ; proposed “Shoot First” bill in #MN would make it easier to kill cops and get away with it #gunviolence

If the cops are attacking innocent people without warrants or probable cause, they DESERVE to be shot. So not just “Pro-Criminal” but “Pro-Criminals With Badges” We know who’s side you’re on!

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0 Responses to Tweets of the Antis

  1. Thirdpower says:

    Joan considers someone to be ‘innocent’ until AFTER they’ve raped/robbed/murdered someone. Unless they’re a gun owner, then they’re guilty from the start.

  2. RWC says:

    The thinkprogress page was fun yesterday. Basically 99 percent pro 2nd amendment, and the antis brought out their big guns with posters such as this…

    Ron Murray · Top Commenter · Free-lance guitarist; live and recorded production at Guitarist,producer

    Well, here come the needle-dicked, impotent cowards out of the woodwork. Too bad wingnuts have no way to prove their manhood except by acting like idiots.

    I thanked him for representing the antis and voicing his views. The more they talk, the more they lose.

  3. Roadkill says:

    So yeah.. I wonder since guns make us want to murder innocents, do the Brady’s get hungry when they pass a pre-school?

  4. JSW says:

    “…From the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence:
    Every time a gun injures or kills in self-defense, it is used:
    11 times for completed and attempted suicides (Kellermann, 1998, p. 263).
    7 times in criminal assaults and homicides, and
    4 times in unintentional shooting deaths or injuries…”

    I love how she uses the Brady Campaign of Misinformation to back up her lies. Neither she, nor the Brady Bunch, seem to understand that when a weapon is used in a crime, it is then in police posession. So what she’s saying is that police are taking it from storage and using it to commit more crimes.
    Or my understanding of structure in the English lanuage is lacking understanding.

  5. Cargosquid says:

    Know what would drive them irretrievably batcrap insane? ….um…insaner?

    If we did the BUYcott of Starbucks for a week……7 days in a row. That would get media attention.

  6. Pingback: Forces of Liberty Win Again | Ordnancecorner’s Weblog

  7. 45er says:

    Oh, that IS funny. Ladd is pulling his hair out just trying to keep up with all the people posting. LMAO. Thank goodness they pay someone to do this, lol.

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