We’re Winning

Japan is an odd place culturally speaking. They have terrible gun laws, and generally the odd parts of it aren’t contested. Such as the good people being disarmed by law…and the Yakuza operate in the open, and are simply assumed to be armed by all.

But Roadkill shared this page from Upotte!! with me.

Essentially the “Girls” in the series are actually “Guns” (how that is isn’t exactly clear to me), but one of the “girls” notes that guns can’t hurt people by themselves, and instead its people who hurt people.

That’s rather a lot coming from Japan!

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0 Responses to We’re Winning

  1. TS says:

    It is not just guns. The 19th century Haitorei Edict essentially destroyed their rich, thousand year old sword making tradition.

  2. Roadkill says:

    Like Weird says, the girls in Upotte are actually military firearms. Battlerifles are High School age girls, assault rifles are intermediate school girls, and the sub-machine guns are elementary school girls. Each girl shares some of the quirks of the actual firearms. A running joke is how FNC wears a thong(never actually seen), because FNC’s used skeletonized stocks. M16 can only do things in short bursts and obsesses about bathing. L85 spends a lot of time in the nurses office and so on and so forth. Some things in this are kinda WTF or wrong, but mostly it is factual and they keep their booger hooks off the bang switches religiously! Also, Mp5 looks like a mini-Breda.

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