From Hotair

These are the people in the Occupy movement, and voting for Obama. That money was THIERS to take, and spend how they wished, because they were broke, and somebody WORKING wasn’t

The Starbucks coffee really caps it!

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0 Responses to WOW!

  1. Craig Miller says:

    These two should be sold as chattel to a Colombian brothel. They are useless to society.

  2. WTF. That’s all I have to say to that.

  3. TS says:

    “we should have at least got to keep the money.”

  4. PISSED says:

    Hi Weerd 🙂

    I remember when this happened back in 2008. She was a mess, to say the least.

    Google her name “Stefanie Woods”, drugs, robbery, jail time.. supposidly now she’s turning her life around.

  5. Pingback: Some Really Dumb.. « Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  6. Thirdpower says:

    They’re pissed at the parents for pressing charges against her for stealing her kid’s money.

    And they’re going to breed and vote.

  7. Archer says:

    Oh my F&%*king God on a stick! THIS is the caliber of creature passing itself off as human these days!? “It wasn’t HER money”? WTF!? So the Girl Scout is sitting out in the heat selling cookies for the hell of it? (Hint: the key word is “SELLING,” as opposed to “giving.”)

    No wonder the Left is against Voter ID laws; these two “Good ‘Progressives'” wouldn’t make it through the application process!

  8. Dannytheman says:

    Holy wow!! Another product of public education!!

  9. Roadkill says:

    I remember this. Filthy vermin.

  10. Gen says:

    The stupid. It burns.

    Are those girls seriously for real..? My God.

  11. fast richard says:

    That casual attitude toward other peoples property is what I expect from a three year old. By the time a human is old enough to drive, some level of empathy should already have developed. At this age, I wonder if those girls are even salvageable, or if they will remain savages for their entire lives.

  12. Instinct says:

    Both those girls are seriously broken.

  13. Rich says:

    Who doesn’t like money?

    That’s why I get up every day and go to work.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep! And working hard, even flipping burgers or digging ditches is a more viable way to make money than this bullshit.

      Of course the video shows that this analysis was never made by these goons. They simply felt entitled to that money, so why not steal it and spend it?

  14. Greg Camp says:

    I run into the same attitude from a few students who think it’s O.K. to copy someone else’s writing and turn it in. This kind of brazen lack of care for anything other than their pathetic selves is disgusting and frightening. Those two are beyond help. The only good news is that they’re too stupid to achieve greatness in crime.

  15. BornLib says:

    I used to think I could never hit a woman….

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