You Might Be That Guy in the Lab

When we’re doing Liquid Nitrogen Safety and the trainer points out that while REALLY cool, DO NOT PLAY WITH THE LIQUID NITROGEN!

Like five sets of eyes all went to me and mouthed “NO!”….

It’s like I have a reputation!

I have no idea how that happened.

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0 Responses to You Might Be That Guy in the Lab

  1. JD says:

    No Doc, we don’t know what happened. . . last thing we heard was Weed call out “hey y’all watch this” the next thing we knew we woke up here . . . . .

  2. AllenF says:

    You get used to it after awhile. Trust me.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’m 33, and I can’t recall the FIRST time this happened.

      I remember in College when I lived under Vector in the dorm, and his network was on the fritz, and ID were a bunch of undergrad idiots. His solution, run a network cable out his window down two stories, to plug into a working router.

      He made the extra step to call me and tell me, yes a cable was going to go down past my window, and NO I was NOT allowed to cut it with my knife. Me?? 😀

  3. Old Windways says:

    Now I want to know what kind of super gun Wally could cook up with a liquid nitrogen cooling system…

    • Publius says:

      Not hard, but not based on cooling…probably a fairly easy way to make a spud gun, though. Ram a spud down almost all the way, leaving a space between the potato & the breach. Drip LN into the void & seal it up. As it warms up the gas will expand & force the potato out. The only questions: is how big a space do you leave, how much LN, and whether you should flash heat it to speed it up or not (I could see it taking a while to actually get enough gas to get the potato going).

  4. Bob S. says:

    Deny, deny, deny and then if caught, deny some more.

  5. mike w. says:

    Hey, you’re not named Weer’d Beer’d for nothing! 😛

  6. Publius says:

    You mean you’re NOT supposed to pour it down the urinal just to see what would happen?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hey they put ice in urinals to make the pee-smell not so bad….LN2 has got to be SOOOO MUCH BETTER!

      • Publius says:

        You’d think so, but not really. It just freezes up the small amount of water in there a little bit, but not enough to affect flushing after use–and then it no longer does you any good. Did not test in a particularly heavily used/smelly one, just the one closest to the giant dewar, so no insight on that aspect. Fizzing is not particularly notable beyond initial application.

  7. Linoge says:

    My dermatologist… concerned me… when he walked into our appointment yesterday with a bottle of liquid nitrogen in his hands. I assume it was for a previous patient, but that is the kind of thing you set down outside the examination room lest you freak out observant, educated folks like me…

    • Bobby says:

      In our office, we have spray cannisters of LN2 in *every* exam room. We use it to treat precancers, warts, and a number of benign lesions.

      Plus kids love how liquid nitrogen dances on the floor.

  8. Old NFO says:

    Ummm… Because you DESERVED it??? Just guessin… 🙂

  9. 45er says:

    Been there. No one wants me to have the Liquid Nitrogen or the dry ice. They’re not pro-safety they’re just anti-fun.

  10. Dwight Brown says:


    But using it to make ice cream is still okay, right?

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