Zimmerman Speaks

I heard about this on the morning news wire. My first thought was “Wow that was stupid”, the old adage of “Call Your Lawyer, and shut the hell up, and save your testimony for court” was in my mind.

Of course this case is a total mess with lies, slander, and misinformation, as well as some very obvious political goals for seeing Zimmerman behind bars or murdered, even if his acts were justified.

Maybe this IS a good idea. It certainly appears to be a very good interview.

More videos and info here.

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0 Responses to Zimmerman Speaks

  1. Bob S. says:

    I haven’t watched the full interview but I think it is a good idea.

    Up until now, we’ve only seen the Martin Family. George Zimmerman has been an abstract figure; not flesh and blood like the Martin family. Not a soft spoken, polite man who regrets the actions he had to take to save his life.

    I’m really surprised that the defense attorney hasn’t been pushing a social media narrative strategy. Yes, the case is going to be tried in the court but the push came from public outcry. Let’s see Zimmerman’s family talking about how he’s suffered, the threats he’s received. Let’s see interviews with the kids he tutored, the people he grew up with.
    We’ve had none stop Trayvon coverage; how about a little balanced reporting for a change?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That’s exactly why I changed my mind about this being a bad idea. The Martin Family has not stopped talking about how upset they are, and what a good boy Trayvon was…and the media and politicians are constantly pushing to have Zimmerman burned at the stake.

      It would be foolish for Zimmerman to be the only silent party.

  2. Jake says:

    I can see where it might look like a good idea, given the ridiculous bias and the blatant attempts by the prosecution to have him tried in the media and taint the jury pool, but I’m going to have to stick with “bad idea”. Now the prosecution has entered the interview into discovery, and can use it as evidence in his trial. It seems there may be some statements in the interview that contradict something he said earlier.

    Granting the interview will likely haunt Zimmerman, veteran legal analyst and defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh told ABC News. “He has impeached himself publicly, this is going to be a huge problem for him… and the prosecutors must be extremely pleased… He was making inconsistent statements that they can use in a trial against him.”

    Whether it’s something that matters or not is still a complete unknown, but that old adage seems to still hold water.

    Why O’Mara is setting these interviews up, I have no idea. Personally, I think he needs to get his head examined. I also think it’s way past the point where the judge needs to slap both sides with a gag order. Seating an impartial jury at this point is probably as close to impossible as it can get.

    • Jake says:

      Okay, I’m going to back off on that last statement just a bit – I just realized that the source here was ABC News, and that they’ve employed the ellipses. So right now only Eiglarsh and the people at ABC know what Eiglarsh really said.

      I still think it was a mistake, though. Why on earth would Zimmerman and O’Mara trust ABC to not cut that interview to pieces to make him look bad, considering their track record?

      Have I mentioned lately how much I f@$&!#@ hate the lamestream media?

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