“90% Support”

Well at least to fire their asses!

Two Colorado Democrats targeted for recall elections for supporting the state’s new gun control laws were pursuing legal challenges to avoid going back to the ballot this year after failing to have the recall efforts thrown out.
Sen. Angela Giron, D-Pueblo, on Tuesday failed in her effort to have the recall petition against her thrown out because it was improperly worded. Democratic Senate President John Morse of Colorado Springs lost an identical argument last week.
Both senators are being targeted for recalls because of their support for new gun control laws, especially an ammunition magazine limit and a measure expanding background checks. Opponents say the gun controls violate Second Amendment rights.

Gun control is so popular that it is a political death sentence.

Its fun watching the gun banners attempt to ignore this.


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2 Responses to “90% Support”

  1. bluesun says:

    The scariest part of this whole thing is that John Morse used to be a police officer.

  2. Braden Lynch says:

    A successful recall is the ultimate slap in the face for a politician. Most people are not into politics. So, if they anger their constituents enough that they will not even wait for the next election to remove them, then they are truly epic idiots or despotic tyrants, or in their respective cases, both.

    Regarding the police heritage of Senator Morse and his insulting comments about gun owners, well he should know better. Contemptible. Regarding Senator Giron and her racism charges, she should be removed from office for stooping so low. Contemptible.

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