A Thought on the Small Penis Thing

I just realized this. Mark Ruffalo is not only a fantastic actor, but a totally off-the-chain moonbat who does wacky political stunts for various “Progressive” causes, like being anti-war so long as a Republican is in office, being a 9-11 truther, and of course lending his face to the Brady Campaign and parroting their tripe:

I realized that Mr. Ruffalo has done full-frontal nude scenes in some REALLY terrible movies. When I saw one of them, I was impressed he went along with it because the films didn’t NEED to show his hog, and some good camera work could have completed those scenes without making it look like censorship.

Also I’m always impressed when somebody who has a smaller penis than myself chooses to expose it on film. This is NOT me bragging, but just noting I’m happy with what I have, but I’m in no position to brag, and certainly my dong doesn’t deserve a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.

I really like Mark Ruffalo as an actor, and think he DOES deserve a star, but for his acting, not how he looks naked.

Still amusing given how much materiel Joe has for his Markley’s Law Monday, its interesting to see for a fact that at least one anti-gun Hollywood actor isn’t particularly well hung.

Oh, and while I can’t think of a scene where he shows his penis, there are some nude pictures of Brad Pitt that the paparazzi got from spying on him when he was dating Gwenneth Paltrow.

Brad has spoken out against gun control, and is a gun owner, and well, if you do some image searches you’ll see he has nothing to be ashamed of at what’s under his jeans.

Just a silly little thought exercise from a film buff who follows politics as well as celebrity nude scenes.

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10 Responses to A Thought on the Small Penis Thing

  1. Cargosquid says:

    I just reply with the the ol’ “I’m compensating for the fact that mine can’t propel small pieces of metal at 2500 fps and I’m tired of having to chase down the perps to get within range to club them down with it.”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well yeah, we all know our guns do nothing for our sex life or our urinary health. Same goes for what you drive.

      Still I found it amusing that there are a few known integers in the whole debate out there.

    • Archer says:

      I always preferred the come-back, “If guns really were compensators for small penises, no man on Earth would be caught dead with a 2″ revolver.”

  2. Old NFO says:

    Compensating in a different way… Bet he has a BIG watch though… 🙂

  3. AZRon says:

    “and certainly my dong doesn’t deserve a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.”

    Anybody that can engineer that sentence DESERVES the star.

    Weerder Beerder H-Wood Dongmeister. Hysterical!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL! But then I would be competing with famous Woodsmen like John Holmes, and Mr. Ron Jeremy Hyatt! Trust me, the Hollywood Walk of Dongs is a wooded forest that I have no right to traverse!

  4. AZRon says:

    I vaguely remember being your age and enjoying Johnson Jokes.

    Until you’ve aged some, have prostate issues (and are proficient with a P9s), you’ll be the beard. No Shame.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’ve put a few mags though a 9×19 P9s, and know how to operate that neato leaver on the side. I’d log more time with one if you could find the things!

      • AZRon says:

        If you look in my safe, you’ll find two. Both chambered in .45 ACP. One even wears an 8″ barrel.

        You’re not the only bearded person ya’ know!

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