Turducken? Turducken is nothing. Behold Cthulken. Or Craturktopus. Perhaps Turkrakon. Whatever you call this dark combination of turkey, crab legs, bacon and Elder God, it is the one true Last Supper.
Reddit’s doc_birdman, along with numerous unnamed agents of chaos lurking in the shadows, shared this image with the internet over the weekend. It’s been circling the outer fringes of the informationsphere for ages, but now it’s finally food a home, it’s spear-like claws taking root.
I’m not a fan of Snow Crab, but all the other stuff looks yummy!
Christmas facehugger.
That looks like something out of a chef’s nightmare not a holiday meal.
I’ve always wanted to eat Cthulhu.
That looks like a headcrab from the Half-Life series.
And, is that … BACON on top!?!?!?
Must … eat … Cthulhuturkrab….
The bacon looks disturbingly like a combover. I didn’t know the spawn of Cthulhu suffered male-pattern baldness issues.