Another Beware

This is just rank incompetence!

Police in Indiana and Illinois are hunting for a convicted murderer who was mistakenly released from custody in Chicago.

Authorities in Cook County said Thursday that they’re investigating how and why 44-year-old Steven L. Robbins was released.

Robbins was serving a 60-year sentence for murder and weapons charges in Indiana when he was sent to Chicago on Tuesday to face a drug charge. Indiana officials say the drug charge was dropped and Illinois authorities released Robbins without returning him to Indiana.

Sounds like a perfect angel! Isn’t it so nice of them to let him back on the streets.

Remember you don’t need a gun, the Police will protect you!


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One Response to Another Beware

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    Yep, Chicago Law Enforcement has done another Wonderful Job in keeping their City Safe!

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