Biological Computers

This is just neat!

The transistor revolutionized electronics and computing. Now, researchers have made a biological transistor from DNA that could be used to create living computers.

A transistor is a device that controls the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit, which acts as an on-off switch. Similarly, the biological transistor — termed a transcriptor — controls the flow of an enzyme as it moves along a strand of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). These cellular building blocks could be used to do anything from monitoring their environment to turning processes on and off in the cells. The findings were reported Thursday, March 28, in the journal Science.

I’m not sure if this new DNA based logic will be as fast as the electrical one used today, still the number of base pairs in DNA means we aren’t talking in binary anymore, further if we’re looking at DNA fragments, rather than individual base pairs the number of variables goes up considerably, meaning that even if the logic isn’t as fast, it can do much more complicated calculations.

I’m neither an expert in molecular biology, nor in computers, but this does seem VERY interesting.

Still owning a computer that not only needs to be fed, but can get an ACTUAL VIRUS seems a bit scary!


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7 Responses to Biological Computers

  1. In other news, computers start advocating for gun control, saying it’s “for the children.”

    Sorry, the “new logic” line made me think of Congress…

  2. WallPhone says:

    This isn’t really using DNA for calculations, more using biological components to perform the same functions as silicon. It will still be binary, which isn’t a limiting factor anyway, since bits are so cheap.

    This does have implications that future computers may be grown in labs, or in bio tech functions such as medical testing or therapies, or even implantable computers that are powered by our own bodies!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well not Silicon, as that’s the insulator, its using the DNA to perform the actions of the conductive transistors.

      Yeah as for if the DNA is doing the calculations; I think we’re in a 6 vs. Half-dozen discussion there.

  3. Bob S. says:

    Great so not only will Skynet eventually take over the world, it will be able to reproduce itself biologically!

    Either that or we’ll develop a process to implant such a bio-based computer into ourselves.
    Huge benefits to the technology but the rational cost benefit side of my mind hasn’t caught up with the horror/sci fi side yet.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    Skynet ain’t the Problem.


  5. Eck! says:

    the bio process is slower than digital logic. It does have the advantage that going massively parallel and interconnected can work, see brain. Even then we are reputed
    to use only 10% (9% for gun control nuts as the missing 1% is stuck in a loop burning cycles).

    On the scifi scale this is a hint at artifical life.


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