So glad that the NRA is supporting this guy, given how stodgy and out of touch they’re starting to seem.
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“So glad that the NRA is supporting this guy, given how stodgy and out of touch they’re starting to seem.”
LaPierre blaming video games doesn’t help.
That’s one of the big things!
Hell Movies and Video games are reasons WHY some people jump into owning guns. Do you think I don’t realize that James Bond kinda-sorta carried guns kinda-sorta like my Radom P64 or my Beretta 21A?
I wanted a Desert Eagle really bad for YEARS (before I shot one) because how cool they look on the movie screens.
Hell just look at the history of S&W’s M29 .44 Magnum. They had it for years and it was a slow seller…then it became one of their best selling handguns when Clint Eastwood asked another actor on Camera “Do you feel lucky?”
I’m big into Call of Duty, and that community is FILLED with gun nuts. I’m sure a ton of them got into guns because shooting was fun in cyber space so they tried it in meat-space.
DUMB! Also, while there’s nothing wrong with Old White Men, its nice to see some representation from the growing demographics. Also its a shame Sandy Froman isn’t President anymore. A Jewish Lady from San Francisco as the President of the NRA? Yeah the antis pretend that never happened!
In Lanza’s case, according to some news reports, his extensive playing may have contributed to his attack. Of course, it helps if you are already mentally ill for the games to affect you.
You should see the response on HuffPo about Colion….. target rich environment. I so enjoy putting stupid people in their appropriate place.