Conneticut Lawmakers to INCREASE Crime

By Publishing Gun Owner Information:

Lawmakers in Connecticut – still stunned from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – are moving forward with legislation that could make public the names and addresses of 170,000 handgun permit holders in the state.

The measure, introduced by state Rep. Stephen Dargan, is the latest effort to clamp down on guns in Connecticut. If passed, the bill would reverse a 20-year decision by state lawmakers to keep the personal information confidential. The legislation would make the information fair game under the state’s Freedom of Information Act.

Dargan told on Friday the measure was not intended to pit gun control activists and pro-gun groups against each other. Instead, it’s “to get a broader discussion going on gun issues and mental health in the state.”

And how might it do that? I hate these laws. First up, its none of your damn business WHAT I own, still I know many people who suddenly got the whole gun ownership thing when they started reviving death threats. Now their threat will know where they live, and what they own.

Also while I haven’t seen any stories about this, I can see criminals using this as a shopping list. It would be no different than publishing the addresses of people who get prescriptions to pain killers. These items have a high street value, and can be assumed are in the home even when the owner is at work.

Here’s another exposure of an anti-gun lie. The big #1 is that they aren’t going to take our guns away. They are. #2 is they want us to be safer…they don’t.


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2 Responses to Conneticut Lawmakers to INCREASE Crime

  1. Thirdpower says:

    And now inmates are using the addresses to intimidate corrections officers in NY where they were published.

  2. Cargosquid says:

    Basically, the paper and now CT wants to put up a big sign in front of every gun owner’s door that says….”I own a gun…but my neighbor does not. Go rob him.” OR “I own a gun. If you survive, you can have mine.”

    Either way… I would be seeking a nice class-action lawsuit against the state AND the individual lawmakers.

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