Economic Stimulus

This actually makes the stupid “Gun Buybacks” make sense!

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill into law that bars cities and counties from destroying guns turned over to police at community buyback events and instead requiring that they be resold….House Bill 2455 was designed to close a loophole in state law that generally requires seized firearms to be sold to licensed gun dealers.

I hate gun-buybacks because it does nothing to improve public safety, it costs the public money in police time, as well as whatever prizes they hand out for the guns, and it almost always destroys a few valuable antiques, and useful guns that could be used by people with more common sense.

This actually could eliminate most of that, given that the guns are being traded for a pittance, even if the state sells the guns for very low values, it will likely net a profit. All I need to see is that profit covering all the other state costs, and I’m fine with it, as the valuable guns will find a loving home, and the junk ones can still be sold for scrap if it can’t be sold.

Also I wonder if there will be less “Buy Backs” now that the end result is sending guns to loving lawful homes, not melting them down.

H/t AZRon

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5 Responses to Economic Stimulus

  1. Alan says:

    We already have a program in place where people can sell the guns they don’t want to people who want them without the government acting as middle man.

    It’s called the free market.

  2. Archer says:

    Plus, if done properly, those “dangerous” guns going “back on the street” makes Josh Horwitz stutter and spit, makes Ladd Everitt lose his sh!t, and makes Sarah Brady cry.

    It’s a win all around! 🙂

  3. TS says:

    Their reaction is proof that they don’t want guns in anyone’s hands. What exactly is the problem with buying a used gun from a FFL with a background check? That is EXACTLY what you were just lobbying congress about.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Shows that there’s at LEAST 3 moves on the Chess board before the antis even start caring.

      They’d do it in one if they could, but they can’t because of our hard work.

  4. Kristophr says:

    Pistol recycling! This is more green than new pistol manufacture.

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