Explain This To Me

Wasn’t Pitch-Black a luke-warm summer movie?

Didn’t Chronicles of Riddick totally bomb?

Why are they making Another one?

Is this some sort of money laundering scheme or something?

Look at that trailer? Looks like it might at BEST be a forgettable popcorn movie. Why can’t you assholes quit warming-over crap and make that Leon Sequel before Danny Aiello is too old to play the part of Cleaner Mathilda’s handler.

At least they’re FINALLY making Fury Road, and it has hopes of not sucking!

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5 Responses to Explain This To Me

  1. bluesun says:

    I own and enjoy the other Riddick movies in a “B-movie-take-themselves-too-seriously” sort of way. Pretty sure they’re all just Vin Diesel vanity projects. But in a world where they made a sequel to that horrendous Garfield movie, well…

  2. Bob S. says:

    I would bet there is contractual reasons; as in “if you don’t make a 3rd film, you still have to pay X dollars”.

    And given that making the 3rd film will probably only cost X+10% or so and return 3X in sales……greed wins. Movie going population looses.

  3. ProudHillbilly says:

    Maybe they did well in other countries? DVD sales were good?

  4. Will Brown says:

    ISTR that Vin Diesel is at least part owner of the film rights to this story. If so, he gets all sorts of above the line money as a Producer and thru his production company along with his usual acting fee.

    I’m guessing this is one of those you fund my movie, I’ll do your movie deals.

    Oh, and I first read the Fury link as Furry Road and felt serious concern for LaWeirda’s future. 🙂

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