“Gun Death” Car Jacking

Another “Gun Death” from New York:

Renz was arraigned Friday morning at a court in East Syracuse on charges that he abducted the mother and daughter as they left a gymnastics class in the Syracuse suburb of Clay.

Police said Renz raped the girl and stabbed the mother to death before fleeing into some woods. The 10-year-old girl escaped and was found by a passing motorist, who dialed 911. Renz was captured a short time later.

At the time of the attack, Renz was awaiting trial on federal child pornography charges and was supposed to be wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet tracking his whereabouts.

This took place in Onondaga County, one of the New York counties where a carry license is very difficult to obtain. Good thing too, as somebody might have shot this monster and stopped this crime! We can’t have that as it would have been a “Gun Death”!

Still why do you need guns when police monitor the whereabouts of dangerous criminals while they abduct, rape and murder!

And while I’m not unhappy to report this, it does earn the “Bad Justice” tag:

man accused of killing a Syracuse woman and raping her 10-year-old daughter during a carjacking was beaten and suffered a broken nose on his first day in jail, authorities said.

David Renz had a swollen face and tissues stuffed up both nostrils when he appeared in federal court Friday to face a probation violation charge.

I frankly think this beast should have been shot dead when he attempted to abduct the woman and her daughter, but the prison system is NOT for a physical abuse of monsters, no matter how fitting they wear that moniker. Still the system is broken as he shouldn’t have been able to do what he did under a REAL justice system.

h/t Zercool

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7 Responses to “Gun Death” Car Jacking

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    So how much Puke did the 10 year old Girl spew up to stop the rape? Obviously not enough.

    And it’s a Shame her Mother didn’t have a Double-Barreled Shotgun with her, either.

    I’m glad Zercool sent this one in, because MY Rage-o-Meter was Pinned to 11, and I didn’t want to break my Keyboard or Smartphone.

    Oh, and for those who don’t know it yet, Zercool is “Voting with his Feet” and LEAVING New York because of the Bad Gun Laws there that allow these Tragedies to Occur.

  2. Guav says:

    I was at that mall yesterday with my son. And the supermarket Renz worked at was the one right down the street from me that I shop at every week. I know exactly who the guy is too, I’ve nodded and said “Hello” to him before. Fucking insane.

  3. Guav says:

    Also, the guy is about 5 feet tall and 100 lbs. He’s small. He didn’t have a gun, just a knife. She could have possibly overpowered him, at the very least fought him while her daughter ran. Not placing the blame on her in the slightest, she could have had no idea what he planned. But that’s the point, and why the “Just comply and give them whatever they want” brainwashing is so dangerous. She probably thought he just wanted to rob her, and that resisting would get her stabbed. But what if what they want is to rape your 10 year old kid and stab you to death? There’s simply no way to know, and nobody who threatens your life should ever be given the benefit of the doubt—do not comply, fight immediately and completely. We need to stop telling people to “just cooperate” and that “resisting is dangerous.”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Crazy that you’ve seen him first-hand. I’ve known people who’s faces have showed up on the front page of the local paper, but never for anything as remotely heinous as this.

      Also I 100% hear you on your statement about the compliance “Brainwashing”…it HAS to come in volumes for any state that will forcibly disarm their people. They need to BELIEVE and have FAITH that the police will save them if they are in need.

      That allows for people to be disarmed without riots in the street, and the anti-freedom politicians being thrown out of office, and possibly into prisons.

      And with that brainwashing comes a woman who will comply with her murderer and the rapist of her young girl.

      Sad and scary.

      BTW, on a lighter note, how’s your boy doing? I really enjoyed seeing his cuteness back when we were both on livejournal.

      • Guav says:

        Yeah, as soon as I heard he was an employee at that Wegman’s he’s the first person who popped into my head. Not because he seemed like he would have been the one, but because he was very small and had a facial deformity, and he’s the only person I could think of that worked there. Couldn’t tell you what anyone else who works there looks like, but he’s physically memorable.

        The boy is good … 3.5 yrs and loving preschool. Always saying some funny shit 🙂

  4. Ruth says:

    I’ve only ever been to that particular mall once myself, so I can’t swear one way or the other, but online reports are that the mall is posted property anyway, so even if she normally carried she wasn’t legally allowed to inside the mall. Which is where she was when picking up her child.

    Local media is having a field day, between this stabbing, and the shooting in Herkimer…..I’ve had to temporarily stop watching the news cause the desire to throw things at the TV has become overpowering….

  5. Pingback: Well I Feel “Safe” | Weer'd World

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