“Gun Death” Subway Push

This is an interesting story on both the “Gun Death” issue as well as the gun rights issue:

New York City police have been searching for a woman who fled a Queens subway station after witnesses said she fatally pushed a man in front of an oncoming train.

So not only was no gun needed to commit this horrible death, but it also puts some question into the trust issue when it comes to guns. People who use the metric of “Gun Death” will claim that some people can’t be trusted with guns, and since these people aren’t readily detectable if they have a clean record, NOBODY should have guns.

Yet these same people will be perfectly willing to stand on the subway or train platform, while the train approaches. We’re all just one shove away from being murdered. The reason why we all haven’t witnessed a murder like this is the REASON why we need LESS restrictions on firearms. This is not something most people will do, so if they were allowed to carry guns, they would not use them for horrible crimes like this.


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2 Responses to “Gun Death” Subway Push

  1. Guav says:

    A few years ago my production manager at work was pushed in front of a subway train in NYC, but she survived. Then again, she also survived being struck by a drunk driver and flying up 15 feet in the air over the car a few years prior. She’s tough.

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