Have You Ever Noticed

That in all the old writings about firearms and weapons in this country, you never read much about hunting?

Yeah, the founding fathers, and their fellow countrymen hunted a LOT…they did it for food. But that’s kinda like me going to the grocery store. I’m not going to do up a post about picking up some chicken thighs on sale at Stop-and-Shop. That’s boring because EVERYBODY does it, and frankly its a given and not a concern.

You also notice you don’t read much about “BAD” guns written by early Americans.

They had pistols, they had rifles, they had muskets, they had shotguns. They even had repeating arms, and repeating air rifles. Yet you never see writing about any of those guns being bad, or even seeing potential for future weapons being bad.

Also note that there were also bombs, and cannons, and explosive shells and other crazy stuff that could be held by individuals. You never read that a local farmer SHOULDN’T have a cannon in his barn with explosive balls.

Funny when you hear a politician or “I’m a gun owner but..” person saying “They Respect the Second Amendment” they frequently talk about stuff that was never discussed or a concern for the people that penned it.

Its almost like the 2nd Amendment means what it says…

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