How Gun Control Works

Via Archer we found out why the MIT Cop was ambushed:

“The original question is they walked up to that car and appeared they shot the officer in the head unprovoked, that it was an assassination. But why? How did that fit into their plan? The operating theory now in the investigation is they were short one gun. The older brother had a gun. They wanted to get a gun for the younger brother and the fastest and most efficient way they could think of doing it was a surprise attack on a cop, to take his weapon and go. Officer Collier had a locking holster, it’s like a three-way lock. If you don’t know how to remove the gun, you’re not going to get it out. There was apparently an attempt to yank it and they couldn’t get it and left. “

They were gun shopping! Nice huh? Also the car-jacking victim? He had a “Coexist” bumper sticker on his car. **UPDATE** Looks like it was a Hoax, thanks Ben for the straight dope on that. Still I’ll keep the below rant as it still holds with my feeling on those stupid stickers.

The stupidity of the whole “Coexist” bumper stickers is that they are preaching to the choir or a brick wall. I’m happy to live along side people who are different than me, or don’t agree with me…I don’t need to see a piece of plastic on your car to do that. These guys saw the Crescent and Star of Islam and car-jacked him anyway. Likely if he hadn’t escaped they would have murdered him too.

Remember, peace takes two willing parties, War only takes one!

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4 Responses to How Gun Control Works

  1. MAJMike says:

    My “COEXIST” bumper sticker is made up of firearms manufacturers’ logos. I highly recommend it for all gun owners.

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