Images of the Antis Misdirection

This one is a classic Misdirection:

So here we have the image of a young boy murdered in the New Town school, and the laments of his mother. A sad story, and one I wish on nobody, and one we all can feel for.

Yet down at the bottom is an endorsement for the anti-rights registration scheme that they are improperly calling “Universal Background Checks”. Of course we all know that the guns used in New Town were bought at local gun shops with a background check on behalf of the killer’s mother. The guns apparently were also locked up. They were then illegally accessed, and used to kill the rightful owner for a clean theft, then illegally taken to a school “Gun Free Zone” where they were used to murder…also a crime.

This is standard-issue blood-dancing. All the proposed laws for this case were followed, and no proposed laws would have prevented this case. In politics its called “Waiving the Bloody Shirt”, and it is universally considered a contemptible act. Its in poor form to get emotions high for a RELEVANT action, in this case it is deplorable as it is designed to distract from actions that are entirely irrelevant to the case.

Of course they show no shame in using these images because they HAVE no shame.

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5 Responses to Images of the Antis Misdirection

  1. Eck! says:

    They got the background right , red, for the dance they play.

    They have an agenda. They have no shame.

    The lie of it all.


  2. I posted something about this and then put it on Facebook. I am apparently a very bad person for telling these families to shut up and go home. They apparently have every right under the 1st Amendment to demand that the 2nd Amendment be abridged, and I should shut up about it.

    I don’t get it either.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL! Like the people who talk over national news feeds, or on the internet about how the founding fathers could have NEVER envisioned a gun that can reload itself multiple times.

      Yeah but that whole talking around the world with digital signals sent through fiber optics and bounced off machines orbiting the earth is EXACTLY what they meant when they penned the 1st Amendment.

  3. Jay G. says:

    The fun part is watching those who support this sort of thing sputter when you point out that the exact scheme they’re proposing wouldn’t have prevented the Newtown shooting.

    More help for the mentally might help, but no one’s proposing that…

  4. Stuart the Viking says:

    They do this because it is all they have. For years their argument was based upon studies and statistics, but people started to realize that they were being dishonest. When they claimed that X number of children murdered, people noticed that the definition of a child was anyone under the age of 25, and that the term “murdered” was extended to suicides, gang member upon gang member violence, and “children” shot by police while in the commission of a felony. People started to wake up.

    So, they changed their name, and started over (numerous times), eventually realizing that the same tactics and the same sad obfuscation of the truth just wasn’t going to work. So they were abandoned. Occasionally to be pulled out of the attic and bandied about by someone who didn’t get the memo or forgot.

    They needed a new tactic. This. That it is so abhorrent is a sign of how desperate that they have become. Unfortunately, it actually seems to be working in places that have become weak on individual freedoms, and a few other unexpected places. Colorado was a shock.


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