Images of the Antis: Stupid

Via Jason “Baldr” Kilgore of Cease Fire Oregon. I don’t think this artist was thinking clearly:

The Playmobile with the gun rack is pretty cute. If LaWeer’da gets one I may have to festoon it with bumper stickers, especially since I don’t put them on my cars.

Still the little girl with the play hearse? Her parents are preparing her for her future as a mortician?

Or are they saying that in the future there will be NO death…unless its “Gun Death”, so we’ll need hearses only until guns are banned?

I just don’t think this artist is capable of conveying his message at all.

Still it crossed the low bar that Jason needed to add it to his pintrest account. It was anti-gun. That’s good enough for an idiot.

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8 Responses to Images of the Antis: Stupid

  1. I read the toon before I saw where it was from. From a completely neautral point of view it seems to me the kid with the gun is prepared to defend himself while the kid in the hearse is only prepared to die at the hands of a criminal because her parents raised her to believe guns are bad. So… this is a pro gun cartoon as far as I’m concerned. Way to go! Logic crept in and trumped reasoned discourse in the subconscious mind of a liberal artist. That deserves some awesome!


    • Weerd Beard says:

      Also notice that the Hearse girl is sullen, while the gunnie kid is happy!

      It clearly shows that if you embrace gun control you are shunning joy and happiness from your life!

      Just a quick look at the nature of the paid gun grabbers and you can see they’re generally morose, and unhappy people.

      A trip to the NRA annual meeting, your local gun club, or a gun show, and you’ll see lots of ear-to-ear grins.

      If you attend a machine gun shoot those grins are even larger!

  2. Bob S. says:

    This fits with their play book guide — focus on being the victim.

    And smear the opposition; notice how the little boy (at least they got that right) is Caucasian and political (instead of criminally ) motivated?

    Guess using the statistics to actually portray how people are likely to die (heart disease, cancer, etc ) would be too much to ask, eh. Given that firearm related homicides isn’t even in the top 10 causes of death for Americans

  3. Rob Crawford says:

    I kinda like the “Protected by Smith & Wesson and Star Wars Action Figures” sticker.

  4. Wraith says:

    Whaddya expect from the Star-Tribune? In so-freaking-blue-it’s-turned-ultraviolet Minnesotastan, the Strib is the more liberal of the two major papers.

    This Sack guy’s thought himself edgy and witty for years, but no one with more brainpower than a randomly selected kitchen appliance would agree.

  5. K says:

    No, I get where he’s going with it. He’s flat-out declaring the children of those “NRA-loving, gun-hugging, Bible-thumping conservatives and Republicans” are a threat and danger to society. It’s implied that the girl is resigned to the little boy someday shooting her in a rampage as school or something. The premise of the cartoon is actually fairly straightforward.

    What it is, is base slander of anyone this jackanape disagrees with.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I think that’s the intended point. Still when you get shot, you don’t drive the hearse. When somebody you love dies…you also don’t drive the hearse.

      When you’re driving a hearse you generally aren’t related to the death except that you’re a service to the family of the departed.

      And again, most make their final car ride in the back of a hearse, and the 30,000 “Gun Deaths” per year is just a drop in the bucket compared to Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer which is the more likely how we’re going to go out.

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