KSG Price Hike

Looks like Kel-Tec is raising the price of their KSG with the threat of a pending ban.

Frankly I don’t blame them, as they spent a lot of money creating this gun from essentially scratch, and expected in their business model to pay off that cost over time with the sale of a lot of units. If it gets banned this year they won’t sell any more units except to exempted agencies which I suspect aren’t buying many shotguns, especially funky shotguns with lots of new technology.

Still I wonder if this is just political hoopla, as Kel-Tec has NEVER had a supply chain. You simply can’t find their guns when you want them, be it the relatively new KSG or the PMR 30, or older guns like the Sub 2000 or the SU-16. So I wonder how much this price bump is going to help given how few guns they are able to produce from the factory.

Also, while I admire them for making unique guns, the problems the KSG addresses would have simply been better addressed by doubling down on production of simpler, more proven technology like the Sub 2000 and the SU-16, which can do everything the KSG does, with less moving parts, and less novel technology which as of yet is technically unproven.

This price hike will effect NOBODY, as if you want a KSG its not like you’re going to find one anyway.

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5 Responses to KSG Price Hike

  1. McThag says:

    Or perhaps it only cost them $900 to develop the gun and selling the three they’ve made will account for it?

  2. Caleb says:

    They could raise the price to Eleventy Billion Dollars for all it matters, since they made like what 2? And Oleg has both of them.

  3. Scott says:

    I have been looking for a PMR 30 everywhere for over a year and cannot find one…basically I say fuck you Kel Tec…..

  4. HSR47 says:

    Actually, I’ve seen TWO KSG shotguns recently.

    The weekend after the sandy hook shooting, I saw one at a show; The dealer was asking 1,600 for it.

    I just saw one Thursday morning at a local dealer (a first) with a sticker price of over 1,900.

    They actually appear to be finally making it to the end of the supply chain, but the prices are still high.

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