Marxist And Economics

Wow, I’m so glad we elected this idiot:

First I’d like to see how she crunched her “Productivity” numbers. Also I’d note that the people doing the actual producing are NOT making minimum wage.

Further $22 an hour? That’s more than most new college grads make. That’s SKILLED labor. Minimum wage is for unskilled ENTRY labor, and its a pay you don’t strive to stay on for any length of time. I’ve worked for minimum wage, and I’ve never worked at that pay level for more than a few months. Do you job, get skills and experience, and demand a raise, then thank your boss for the pay hike, or take a hike and find somebody who appreciates your skills. Also if you’re getting paid the minimum, don’t give two weeks, just walk out!

Also what Senator Warren misses is that if the minimum wage kept up with GDP, or whatever numbers she used to play her Marxist number game, GDP simply wouldn’t increase.

That’s a victory for “Progressives” who seem to admire places like the USSR, Red China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela where bread lines are commonplace.

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4 Responses to Marxist And Economics

  1. ShallNOTBeInfringed says:

    Whoah there, Tex. WE did not elect her! Some left wing no-nothing jack-asses elected her. WE voted with our consciences, knowing that we would probably lose , but voted correctly none-the-less.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      You are correct on that. I swallowed my pride and voted for shitheel turncoat Scott Brown because as horrible as Brown is, Warren is vastly worse.

      Still the Massachusetts electorate decided that when it comes to a fake Democrat and a REAL “Progressive” one, they’ll vote for the Pinko every time.

  2. Sendarius says:

    Can you imagine how much your burger would cost if the teenager making it, the teenager serving it, and the teenager cleaning the tables were all paid $22 per hour?

    Oh wait – no teenagers would be employed at all. Why hire UNSKILLED staff if it costs the same as SKILLED staff.

    Warren is an idiot.

  3. Brian P. says:

    Yup. No manager in their right mind would hire someone with zero experience at the rates she proposes. One of the few ways to get more than minimum wage immediately out of high school is to enlist. But that requires making sacrifices.

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