Moms Demand a Lower Bar

Remember this?

Elliot Fineman “Organized” a boycott of Starbucks, demanding Starbucks embraces an anti-gun policy. Notice in the interview Elliot makes claims that the anti-rights cult is so big that they will do severe damage to both the Starbucks corporation, and their shareholders. What was most amusing about it was how desperate and ineffective it was. It wasn’t legislation, and it wasn’t legal policy. So if Starbucks posted “No Guns” signs it A) Would only effect people carrying guns actually IN Starbucks stores, and B) Would only LEGALLY effect people in states where binding signage was law.

Then they “Implemented” the “Boycott”….well Miguel has the laughable results.

So a national boycott that would have had little impact on lawful gun owners failed miserably. Next course of action? DO IT AGAIN!!! But don’t make it so HARD!

Moms Against Starbucks

So a national boycott that allegedly was indefinite until their demands were met did nothing, but hey just ONE SATURDAY, That’ll work!

They keep claiming they have a “Majority” and such actions will somehow be noticed. Yet National Legislation has been bust, and even their rallies are tiny:

Sad Rally MN 8-13

They’ll just keep lowering the bar until they can claim victory!!

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